Update September 2021: Shout out to Zainab! She lost 35 more pounds for a total of 96 lbs gone.
Down 96 pounds, and I’m 15 lbs from my goal. My weight finally starts with a “1” after 20 years. (In the picture on the left, I squeezed into a plus-size 3X. In the image on the right, I easily slid into a regular size M.)
How have you maintained your weight loss/continued to lose weight?
I have maintained my weight by eating in moderation and simply exercising – Calisthenics, to be exact. I still stay away from soda, juice, sugar, and I’m very light on the bread. I have learned that I was just overeating, so I now use moderation. I still choose baked food over fried food, and I still go by the low-carb approach.
Of the lessons you’ve learned on your journey, which one stands out the most at this point?
I have learned that when things are going on in my life that aren’t so good, I tend to stress eat. I do not beat myself up about it. Instead, I recognize it, correct it and keep pushing.
Would you like to offer any new or different advice to women who want to lose weight?
My advice to you is that this is an inside job. Please don’t compare your journey to anyone else’s. We will have good days, and we will have bad days, but you do not have to stay stuck in those bad days.
Get a network of support around your eating habits, talk about what’s going on, and please get an accountability partner. @mzchocolatedrop87
September 2020: Zainab lost 61 pounds by adopting the Keto lifestyle. Her mother passed away due to diabetes complications. When her doctor told her she was at risk for developing the disease, she knew it was time to make a change.
What was your motivation?
The doctors told me that diabetes was where I was heading. I had tingles and numbness in my legs and feet. That scared me. My mother passed away from complications due to diabetes.
Instagram introduced me to the Keto lifestyle. I gave it a shot and lost weight. Keto taught me portion control, how to eat clean, and it got me away from my horrible addiction to juice and pop. (Also, I’ve always loved meat and cheese.)
What inspired you to keep going, even when you wanted to give up?
What inspired me to keep going is how good I felt. I’m coming up on two years clean and sober, and I had to address my weight issues with my recovery. I came to realize that food was my very first addiction, and I had to get a hold of that. Now, I treat my weight like I do my sobriety date. It is so important for me to stay the course.
How did you change your eating habits?
I completely cut out soda and juice. I could easily go through a gallon of juice a day in the past. I followed Instagram pages and found out that cooking and meal prepping was the thing to do. I also love veggies now.
I found no-carb sweets to curb the sweet tooth. I use monk fruit sweetener and drink ICE drinks. At first, I set a limit of 20 grams a day for carbs and sugar. As time went on, that didn’t really work for me, so I have learned that moderation is the key.
Tell us about your workout routine.
Honestly, I did not work out during this process. I did walk here or there, but my mind was focused on controlling what I put in my body. Now, I have started to exercise more because I’m trying to tone up and lose these last 25 pounds. I lift weights because I am horrified with my arms, and I also walk.
Starting weight/Current weight
I started at 283 pounds, and I now weigh 222 pounds. I feel amazing, and I’m looking good. I still have some work to do, but I know that it’s doable.
When did you start your weight loss journey?
I started my journey in June 2019. It took me a good seven months to lose the weight. I’ve been maintaining ever since with moderation and portion control.
What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned?
The biggest thing I live by is “One day at a time.” I am human. During this journey, I have to be kind to myself and remember my common goal. Slow and steady wins the race. I had to rewire my brain and my thinking around food. That process is not going to happen overnight. However, it is doable. I have not gained a single pound since June 2019.
What advice would you like to share with women who want to lose weight?
Do it one day at a time. Put everything you want out there in the universe, do the work, and it will happen.
Instagram: @mzchocolatedrop87
Update March 2021: Zainab has lost 33 more pounds for a total of 94 pounds gone.
How have you maintained your weight loss/continued to lose weight?
I have added calisthenic exercise to my life 3-4 times a week for an hour. I eat low carb and always practice portion control. I still practice intermittent fasting (it’s just natural now)
Of the lessons you’ve learned on your journey, which one stands out the most at this point?
What stands out the most for me is if I fall, I get right back up. I am a human being, and my journey is my journey. I don’t compare myself to anyone else. I am losing weight slow and steady, and that’s a whole lifestyle change.
I am not on a diet. I have completely changed my relationship with food. I have learned to treat my body even better with movement as well, and it has worked wonders.
Shank Jackson says
Girl! This interview was so dope!! I’m on my way. Can’t wait for my own story.