Today’s featured weight loss success story: Wyteika from Houma, Louisiana lost 52 pounds with the Atkins Diet. This mother of 2 is no longer diabetic thanks to her hard work.
Here is what she had to share about her weight loss:
“I began at 267lbs to 215 lbs! Thanks to Atkins Diet! 160 days strong! I’m no longer on BP pills and I’m no longer a diabetic! I do 1 hour a day on my treadmill 3 days a week, I run twice a week for 20 minutes. I just hired a personal trainer b/c I need to start toning. I follow the Atkins diet faithfully to the T. ABSOLUTELY NO PROCESSED FOODS. I EAT A LOT IF BAKED FISH AND VEGETABLES. I EAT A BIG BREAKFAST, PROTEIN SHAKES FOR LUNCH WITH A LITE DINNER. I snack on vegetables and protein shakes when im hungry. I’m now in phase 4 of Atkins. Mother of 2 sons that helped me along the way. Atkins id the only thing that works for me…. I tried every thing!”
Sunshinestlmo says
Hi. What do you eat for your big breakfast?
wyteika tillman says
I usually do left overs from the day before. … such as baked chicken / fish and green or spinach. I don’t eat the traditional breakfast. I truly live a low carb lifestyle
sonya johnson says
Great I need to start this! Good Work!
Sunshinestlmo says
P.S. GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!!!
wyteika tillman says
Thank you!
Lucky says
Good Job! and Congrats
I’m at your starting weight…
kecia walker says
Hi my name is kecia and im interested in the adkins diet i have a little stomach fat im trying to het rud of send me some information i have diabetics n high blood pressure to u go gurl u look good im trying to bettet my health good job
wyteika tillman says
Thanks luv. I had high blood pressure also, I no longer don’t since I dropped the weight. You can see if you would be interested and you can add me on Facebook. Wyteika Tillman I still nees much needed motivation also.
Natasha Rickett says
Congratulations and Good Job on your hard work!Better health happier life.
wyteika tillman says
Thanks Natasha!
Sonya says
You look great! I just started my journey and I pray I have great results like yours! Thanks for the motivation.
wyteika tillman says
Awwww thanks Sonya! You can add me on Facebook.
Tenshar says
Congrats!!!!! I pray I am successful with my Living Healthy Journey as you have and continue to be. Thank so much for sharing your journey.
wyteika tillman says
Thanks luv, no problem.
Shatika Doyle says
I just went to let you that you’re my biggest inspiration with the weight lost program…So many people have told me about this diet but I’m one of those who didn’t believe in the diet until I saw your results…And now I’m a true believer…Thanks for sharing this
wyteika tillman says
Thanks Tika! I didn’t believe it either until my co worker came to work skinny after giving 7 weeks prior. Lol She told me about Atkins and I been on the train every since!
Keshia says
Congratulations!! I have started Atkins and stopped but it works as long as you stick with it. I am going to make sure that this time I stick with it. Keep up the good work you have given me the motivation I need to continue my journey because it is not easy.
wyteika tillman says
Thanka so much! Willpower, motivation and determination you willvdo fine. Add me on Facebook we can support each other.
CherronRW says
Hey Beautiful you look amazing, I have tried Atkins and have never been able to do it. I do have a question though do you eat fruit? I am going to have to get the book again and reread it.
wyteika tillman says
I’m eating fruit now love, I’m in phase 4 then I’m moving on to the Maintainence phase.
Georgiana Smith says
I don’t eat meat how would atkins work for me you look really great
LadyT says
If you go on the website she mentioned, it has a plan for vegetarians as well.
nichole levels says
good job u better than me i did that diet it works but i gotta eat in moderation cause its hard not eating catbs i love fruit but the new one lets u eat very little
wyteika tillman says
Me personally eat till I’m full, I eat low carb, not 0 carb. You can have fruit in Phase 3 of the diet, you just have to concentrate on burning that fatvat first and water weight thats attatched to bad carbs
mimi martin says
how do u get rid of water weight ? is it just working out an if yes how often
Nicole says
Nice job! I’m currently on day 10 of induction. Hoping to have amazing results like yours! Keep up the great work!
LadyT says
Hi Nicole,
What are you eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner in this phase, as I am thinking about giving Atkins a try?
wyteika tillman says
Thanks Necole! Do it! Atkins work, especially for black women. Try Lindas Low Carb website she has the best recipes for all phases! I live by that website!
Carmen says
You look awesome….keep smiling. You are so pretty!
wyteika tillman says
Thanks Carmen, I’m more confident now also. No longer hiding behind that hoodie!
LadyT says
You look amazing!! Congrats on your WL success.
wyteika tillman says
Thanks Lady T! That was my nick name in High School lol
Kimberly says
You look amazing! I began Atkins Sept 28th and have lost 35lbs but my weight loss keeps stalling. I was thinking today maybe I should try a different plan but seeing your success and the timeframe has me telling myself not to give up yet! Thanks for the motivation to keep trying.
wyteika tillman says
No problem luv, something is causing you to stall, can u give me an example of your daily menu? So I can see what may be causing your stall.
Kimberly says
Thanks so much the help! I’m following the meal plans and guidelines according to the book but I just don’t know why I lose a few pounds then stall for several weeks with no movement.
Breakfast – Dark Chocolate Atkins Shake
Lunch – Small salad no dressing add cheese, diet 7up, meat (likely a hamburger patty or chicken breast) or sometimes I do an Unwich from Jimmy John’s with a diet 7up
Dinner – an Induction veggie and meat (pork, beef, chicken, seafood) or I’ll make a casserole from the website that marked ok for Induction
Snacks – Lance peanuts (the pack from the dollar tree), 2 beef tips and cheese, or an Atkins treat
I drink that least 8oz of water a day. I’m very careful to watch for added sugars and grain products in my food. I usually have two snacks a day with the three meals I eat. I also eat until I’m full then stop.
Thanks again!
Barbara says
I just received the free weight loss kit and is getting in the morning. You look absolutely awesome. Thanks for sharing.
wyteika tillman says
No problem luv! Good luck with ur journey.
Sabrina Booker says
Wyteika I got the Atkins diet material online for free and I can’t stay motivated enough I have lost 30 pounds and really would to lose about 150 lbs I got alot of work ahead of me.
wyteika tillman says
Girl you can do it, take it one day a time, set your goals in 10 lb incentives, weigh yourself every two weeks and don’t starve yourself! Have willpower and pray on it, you will do just fine
kathy says
Hi, where can i get a copy of this material online?
AfroSunshine says
You look great! I want to get exactly where you are. 215 looks good on you. How tall are you? When I tell people I want to be 220, they look at me crazy. lol. But, I’ve been 220 before, and on my body it looked great. Right now I’m 305, down from 317, started January 2nd. I wouldn’t call what I’m doing “dieting”. But I’ve began to really focus on portion control, and substituting my craving with veggies and fruits..instead of candy and cake. Keep up the good work. You are an inspiration!
wyteika tillman says
Thanks girl! I’m 5’9. No one ever believes me when I say how much I weigh. We all carry weight different. Im still on my Atkins Journey, b/c 180 is perfect for me, all though many say I’m toooo skinny that size for my pieface lol. I lost a lot of inches also.
MsPrez says
Congrats on your weight loss. You look GREAT!! Keep up the good work. I need to check out the Atkins diet.
mimi martin says
i am amazed of how much u weighed and now uve stuck to the diet an lost it i tried these diet things which only makes me ill but i need some guidelines in what to do how can i add u so we could chit chat a bit on this topic ur a great motivator to me
Nikki says
Hi , sent you a message , trying to send you a friend request !
Nailah says
I see a lot of before and after pictures but for some reason yours has inspired me so much (I even showed my husband). I currently weigh the same as your before weight and I know I just need to get disciplined. I’m going to do it this time and I thank you for your letting us be part of your journey. I’m actually going to look into the Atkins. Maybe it would work for me
God you bless my sister! Keep up the good work
Jennifer says
Hi Wyteika looking at your photo and reading your story has inspired me to try and lose weight once again. I considering trying the atkins . Any suggestion?
denise says
wow Wyteika, you look really good, I have heard a few sucess stories about Aikens diet, I would like to follow you for support f you dont mind, how can I find you on facebook.
Denise Franklin ATL
Romie says
I wanted to know how should the greens (spinach, kale etc.) be measured should it be weighed with a food scale or should i just use a measuring cup and stuff it to the amount needed?
Laurie Diane says
Hi I did Atkins years ago and lost 25 lbs and haven’t been able to get back on. Sewing this article really see that it is possible I’m 240 and need to loose 50. I added u on Facebook. I need your inspiration. Thanks for sharing this story.
Pam says
What kind of protein shakes did you drink for lunch?
marlene says
Great job! Congrats to u.i started The Atkins diet was doing good with it, until my mom passed away. I was doing emotional eating.thanks to u I’m back on today!!!!! God bless u &thanks