Hi Ladies, Here is your weight loss on a budget tip for day 8 of our October Challenge.
Tip #8 – Cancel that Gym Membership that You Don’t Use. This one is a no brainer, Ladies. This also extends to any exercise classes, yoga classes or personal training sessions that you’ve signed up for and are paying a recurring fee for (monthly for example). Cut out the cost of any services you aren’t using. Sure, you might decide to go back to the gym or get serious about your form when doing “downward dog” at some point, but until you make that decision, don’t waste the money.
Instead, invest in some workout DVDs you can exercise at home or check out the exercise section on the OnDemand section of your cable box/dish for workout videos. Even more cost effective, you can find free videos online or walk in your neighborhood. You don’t have to go to the gym or a fitness center to lose weight. Those are great, if you can afford to pay the fees, but if you can’t there are still options.
Anna says
I cancelled my gym membership I brought some work out Dvd’s like Leslie and belly dancing I also purchased Wii fit plus for Wii console its fun with loads of games and yoga along with strength exercises it tells you how much calories you burned and how much weight you lose you can even set weight loss goals
Rogers says
Thanks for the update. The workouts help for weight loss. I think free hand exercise at home is more beneficial than doing hardcore exercises at Gyms.
Laurie says
I cancelled my gym membership because I never used it. Instead, I purchased the Total Gym XLS and I use it everyday! In the 1st month, I lost 15 lbs and I have been drinking my green smoothies every morning and a fruit/spinach smoothies for lunch and I feel great. I only weigh myself once a month, but I know that I have dropped at least two dress sizes from size 16 to size 14. I want to get down to a size 11/12 and loose 25 lbs. more.
mellow2447 says
Laurie this is my first time applying to a comment but could you please tell me more on your success im new to juicing my second day trying new recipes but I could honestly use guidance please