We featured Nakia in 2013 to share her weight loss story and how she lost 43 pounds. This month, she sent in an update with photos to let us know that she’s lost MORE weight.
“Hi, my name is Nakia Davis and I wanted to update you on my progress. I submitted my original transformation July 3, 2013. As of today, I’m down 54 pounds total. I lost another 11 pounds since July. I’ve added running at least 3-4 times a week to my routine as well as Taebo and Focus T25 DVDs. I’ve now started clean eating and eliminated bread. I continue to drink only water and green tea. My goal now is not so much as weight loss (started at 220 and now at 166) but toning up my body. I would have never thought I could accomplish this in 1.5 years. I encourage you to believe that when you make up in your mind that this is what you really want, transformation will take place!! Peace and blessings…….and it can be done!!”
Read the original post to find out more about how she lost the weight.
Talulazoeapple says
You look great. Congrats on your success.
I can’t wait to send in my after.
Kim says
Lookn good gurl…
E. Harris says
Looking Good Great Job !!!!!
Vanessa says
Congratulations you look amazing
Adria says
Absolutely wonderful!
T. Knight says
Looking good Chick!