Update: Kendra is working hard to maintain her success. She is down 33 pounds with resistance training, consistency and help from her trainer and nutritionist. Check out her story.
Age 39
Height 5’5″
Starting Weight: 211.6 pounds
Current Weight: 178.6 pounds
Total Weight Loss: 33lbs
Representing: Maryland
How have you maintained your weight loss?
I’ve maintained by staying consistent with my workouts, continuing to make healthier choices when eating, and just following the Fitness on Fire Online Training program structure.
Eliminating pork, red meat, and fast food has definitely helped. Periodically, I do have fried food, but I’ve invested in an air fryer to reduce the grease. The resistance training recommended by my online trainer, Fire, continues to help me drop body fat. Most recently, I added some ab exercises to help with ridding myself of this belly fat.
I may have cheat days because they keep you sane. Once I have that cheat day, it is extremely easy to get back on track due to the way my lifestyle is now set up. I almost feel bad if I have a cheat day now, Lol! I’ll go to the gym immediately after or the next day to burn it right off.
My confidence is not through the roof yet. I struggle with accepting and realizing what I have accomplished by highlighting, in my opinion, the negative. I have breakdowns, but I work through them. I struggle with this daily but am growing day by day with the help of Nutritionist Guru.
The Fitness on Fire is part of my lifestyle now. I’m always conscious of what I’m eating and how active I am. My family has adopted the same lifestyle.
What obstacles, hurdles, or setbacks have you faced during your journey, and how did you get back on track?
My mind tends to play a lot of tricks on me, especially when I’m disobedient and step on the scale more than I should. I forget that the scale is not an accurate depiction of actual weight loss. If I gain a pound or two, I get frustrated. I also have some stubborn belly fat.
I tend to overlook all other progress and focus on what is still not where I want it to be. My nutritionist gives me some tough love. I also have supportive family members who always help to put me back on track.
Of the lessons you’ve learned on this journey, what stands out the most?
Consistency is really the key. No matter what, you have to get in some sort of activity daily. You may not get a full 75 minutes in but do something. Additionally, I have learned that everyone will NOT be happy for you. (Even people you consider your closest friends.) Instead of celebrating your accomplishments and the fact that you have prioritized your health, they will talk about you. That has been the hardest lesson because this process is hard enough, and having a supportive cast is so important.
When people cannot prioritize their own health and then see you doing your thing, the “hate” becomes real, and that hurts. Realizing that it is their own insecurities and there is nothing I can do is what helps me get through. It’s a hard lesson to learn.
At this point, would you offer any new or different advice to women who want to lose weight?
Don’t let your mind get in the way of your progress. Also, don’t let other people’s insecurities derail you from your goals.
Instagram: @kheckstall
Read more about Kendra’s transformation.
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