Weight Loss Story of the Day: Tyler lost 93 pounds.  This petite Delta Sigma Theta soror lost the pounds by counting calories, exercising and using portion control.  Check out what she shared about her journey from 228 pounds to 128 pounds.
“Hi! My name is Tyler and I am 23 years old! In college, I gained the freshman 100 instead of the freshman 15. My motivation was my health. I went to the doctor during my senior year for help. My period had been skipping for 6 months for no reason.  The doctors not being able to explain it, as well as realizing I weighed 221 pounds was a wake up call. I couldn’t be 4 feet 11 inches tall and weigh that much. So, I committed myself to a diet of 1200 calories a day and at least an hour of exercise each day. I changed my eating habits by paying attention to calories and eating grilled and baked foods. I measured and weighed my food for portion control. I committed to working out doing 30 mins of cardio and 30 of weights per day.
A year and half later, I currently weigh 128 pounds! I’m proud of myself because I did it without any supplements or professional help, just watching what I eat and working out. My goal is to reach 110 pounds and Im looking forward to reaching it and never getting that big again. Â My advice is never do fad diets because they make you miserable and don’t work. Every time someone that I knew asked me to go on a popular crash diet with them, I said no. They always acted like I was crazy and they would be smaller with that diet plan, but they always gained the weight right back while I steadily pounds. Patience is a virtue!”
kgenie says
AWESOME! Congrats you look fantastic.
Stay Blessed.
Anirudh says
Lost 93 pounds? That is an incredible achievement! Congrats. 🙂 🙂
You look amazing now.
Vanessa says
Great jo
Rachel says
I am so inspired. You did that! Excellent job!!!!!