Update Dec 2015 – Michelle has lost over 50 pounds! She shared her progress since August: Since I was featured on Black Women Losing Weight, I have been continuing my path to become a Fitness Model. I’m tracking my entire journey on the road there, week by week on my Instagram: @Fitmelle. I post food ideas, videos of me working out and audio motivation that has helped me. I lift 5 days per week, rotating muscle groups, along with small bursts of HIIT for cardio. I have obtained visible abs since my last update and have turned most of my body into lean muscle. My diet is super clean, meaning I eat real food and I don’t eat processed food or fast food/processed sugar. I only drink water or fruit infused water. My goal is to be able to show on social media (IG) exactly how to sculpt the body and lose fat at the same time, without the need of pills, surgery, waist trainers…etc. This can all be done naturally by consuming the proper foods and doing the proper training consistently.
August 2015 – Awesome Transformation: Michelle Gabriella lost 46 pounds and gained 9 pounds of muscle on her weight lifting journey. She shared her story and her awesome transformation photos with us. Check it out…

I started my weight lifting journey 21 weeks ago. I’ve lost pounds of fat and have gained tons of muscle. My boyfriend inspired me to look at the fitness lifestyle. 3 years ago, I lost 50 pounds solely from cardio and I gained it all back. I was uneducated about how to obtain the look I desired. Hated to cook because I was lazy. I also ate tons of refined sugar, fast food and MSG. Once I decided that I was tired of looking the way I did, tired of feeling unattractive, in that moment I realized that I want to change my life for him. He was worth living longer for and I was ready to get control. He taught me about weight training and how it is a longer progress but would give me the look I desired.
I started by cleaning up my diet and having 6-8 small meals a day to increase my metabolism (2 hour increments). I cut out all fast food, anything in the middle of the grocery store, all juices and all high sugar drinks. I don’t drink my calories, so I consume only WATER. I work out 5 days per week doing 20 min of strength training and weights, along with 15 min of HIIT for cardio. I love the fit life and have a long journey to completely sculpt and tone my body. I plan to accomplish this over the next year and provide weekly posts on Sunday’s of my changes.
I’m 5’9″ tall and I weighed over 200 in my beginning photo. I do not wish to share my current weight because it’s still being “written”. My advice for others is to start paying attention to what the food industry is doing to give us health issues due to the cheap cost of food. Please use Google. It’s a great resource to learn about what to eat, how to workout, etc. Lastly, don’t give up on your health or your self respect. Be the strong women/men you were meant to be. Greatness!
Check out more information about her journey on Instagram: @Fitmelle

Lisa says
Sistah you look AMAZING! Congrats on your success and thanks for being a “real life” encouragement! Continue on your journey, much success!
Stay happy, healthy and whole
Tanya says
Wow..Amazing and thanks for sharing. I can’t seem to stay motivated and need to lose 50lbs.
Can u give some examples of your meals while.on this journey and how should I began my journey ?