Featured weight loss story of the day: Tiffany lost 83 pounds. Â She decided to channel her emotions and frustration in to positive energy and make the changes she needed to make to lose weight. Â Here is what she wrote to us:
“My determination to change was necessary for my life. I love being a voluptuous woman. The fact was that I had so much going on in my life that I promised myself a change by my 26th birthday. I chose to channel my frustration and emotions on myself. I was definitely serious this time. I put into my mind to it that I would not eat unhealthy anymore. When I did I was saving money and stopped snacking. If I felt like I wanted a snack I would start moving! I would eat different fruits or salad sometimes. I quit sodas all together water and some juices. I seriously cut out fast food and I don’t eat heavy food past 9pm. I had to continously talk to myself because when your’re used to eating and snacking its a big change. I started eating cut up chicken breast and broccoli and no bread. Â I have cereal and oatmeal because I dont eat yogurt. Â I tried dieting. I just knew my enemy was late night snacking and eating then going to bed. I stopoed that. I would dance to get my mind off food. I left beef alone because it takes so long to move through your body. I also started walking after I ate. I do try to eat 3 times a day, not six, because i dont feel like constantly eating. Â However I keep in mind that I don’t mind eating as long as I burn more calories than I take in.
So, once I felt like the walking wasnt enough I started telling my self running is another form of walking. I walked a lap and ran a lap until I officially could run non stop. I work out every chance I get from in the morning to the afternoon, 3-4 days a week.  Running, walking, simple exercises, sit ups, squats, using the chair or bathroom sink to do my arm press and doing squats.  With exercises I would do 50 of each, then worked up to 200 times, 100 in the morning to 100 at night.  I also do leg press and the ladder lunges.  For exercise, I cut my own grass all summer.  I even ran the push mower because the rider was broke.  If I felt like I overate I would double my routine. Not doing overkill, just until I got tired. I’ve always loved to dance so I did that to speed my heart rate at home.  My starting weight was 258 pounds and I am currently 175 pounds.  My weight loss journey  took 4.5 months. To any woman going through a storm, I say channel that energy on yourself. The time it takes to invest in yourself is priceless. Stay consistent #tiffany”
Leslie says
Thanks for sharing Tiffany, you are an inspiration to me. You look great. I like the part when you said you try to eat 3 times a day not six bcuz u don’t feel like constantly eating. You make your routine
Leslie says
(Sorry but my phone won’t let me edit). I love how you’ve customized your journey to suit you rather following a one size fits all diet plan. Stay positive and keep up the good work.
tiffany says
Thank you Leslie I will I’m still a working progress!
Kenya says
You go girl!!!!!!!!! straight up motivation!!!
tiffany says
Thank you Kenya I’m a individual with my own issues I just worked it to my advantage while I was down on my luck!
Linda says
Way to to Tiffany, congratulations you look greaat and gave me some pointers.
tiffany says
Thank you I hope it helps I have been struggling with losing weight even though I felt comfortable but I made a serious commitment this time and it didnt take as long as I thought guess the stopping and going finally paid off when I kept going!
vanessa says
Great job!!! 4.5 months to lose 83#s definitely showes that you were truly committed to the journey.
Christine says
You look wonderful! Your journey has inspired me to keep going in my own quest to lose weight. I have good days and bad days also. I have tried working out twice a day and the feeling you get afterwards, is amazing! So, I got to keep going!
Shewanna Nesbitt says
Good job!!!
Kenyetta Marie says
Your weight loss journey has been an amazing story to read. I look at this website every day as I strive to finally make up my mind that I need to change my lifestyle to become a healthier person. For the past few months I have been just like you, starting and stopping; having motivation and then quitting because I’m discouraged or don’t have ‘time’ to walk or exercise. This isn’t the first time I’ve read your story, but it is definitely inspiring to finally find someone who has once shared the same mindset I have. Therefore, I have made up my mind that starting Oct. 23rd, I will start with a 6-week cleanse with just drinking water and trying to cut out unnecessary, unhealthy food. At this rate, my cleanse should end the day before Thanksgiving, and I’m excited where I will end up. I would like to hear more about your story, so if you could, please find me on Facebook @ Kenyetta Marie, or leave a reply with your Facebook info (if you have a Facebook) and I would definitely like to get more pointers on the factors behind your success in weight loss, and some suggestions. Great job and you look great! 🙂
michelle g wilson says
Missy you look great. Please pray for me. The more I continue to read the better I feel like I can do it too. Thanks for sharing its an inspiration.
Taloria Johsnon says
Thank you!! It seems like we are on the exact same page, wish i could get a chance to do some add more exercise!! But you look awesome and i take this as motivation!!