Transformation of the Day: Tiffany lost 35 pounds. Since changing her lifestyle, her health has greatly improved, and she is no longer on daily breathing treatments. This proud mom loves to dance for exercise and veggies make up the majority of her plate. She gives all the glory to God, through whom all things are possible.
I lost weight twice before with pills and cleansing teas. This time, I’m eating whole foods, drinking lots of water, and exercising. Yes, it’s a journey that I’m still on. But, now I’m sleeping better, I no longer need breathing treatments, and I’m no longer anemic nor sluggish. My skin is clear too. Most importantly, I have joy! With God, all things are possible.
What was your motivation? What inspired you to keep going, even when you wanted to give up?
I’m motivated by health issues. I was taking four breathing treatments daily. I had to change my habits to be healthy.
My family keeps me going. I want to live a long time with a happy marriage and our kids. Also, I want to see and play with my grandkids and great-grandkids.
How did you change your eating habits?
I went Vegan first and then added meat (mostly fish). I’ve realized that my plate needs to have 75% veggies. That works for me.
What did your workout routine consist of? How often did you work out?
I’ve been rehearsing for a play since May, dancing, singing, and acting. I also go to Zumba (60 minutes) at least three to six times a week. I walk (40 minutes) in my neighborhood when I can’t make it to Zumba.

What was your starting weight? What is your current weight?
I’ve gone from 260 pounds to 225 pounds. I haven’t reached my goal, but I’m still working at it.
What is your height?
When did you start your journey?
I seriously started in April 2021.
Is weight loss surgery part of your journey?
What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned so far?
- Forgive yourself. I’ve messed up. And, I will again.
- Reminding myself of my why.
- And, don’t stop this healthy lifestyle when I get that “You look great” compliment.
What advice do you have for women who want to lose weight?
All the lessons above. Affirm yourself. Prioritize yourself. I do this for me, no one else. I am in control. I choose what to eat. I drink water and exercise.
I chose dance, but find an exercise routine that you love. Live your life. We only get one. Try not to give up, but if you do, it’s OK to begin again.
Facebook: TLBrooks20 and GuiDanceWorkout
Instagram: @tlbrooks20
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