Tasha has transformed her body going from 236 to 163. That’s a loss of 73 pounds!!
She Says,
“Hi my name is Tasha and I started my journey mid January. Journey as in life style not diet! I worked hard to lose weight starting at 236 and I’m down to about 163 close to goal which is 160. I eat clean foods and I cook my own meals. I eat veggies, fruits daily and drink plenty of water everyday. I workout five days a week doing weight training three days a week, Jillian Michaels twice a week and some tabata and HIIT all at home no gym! I count calories daily on fitness pal app. I measure and weigh my foods. My main focus is more toning now and building mean muscle. No one has pushed my but me. Anyone can do it if I did. I don’t believe in excuses. I’ve become addicted to working out and I love it and I also love to cook clean meals so my next goal is to become a nutritionist/ trainer.
It’s not just about exercise its about what you’re eating as well. I always say its 80% clean eating and 20% exercise and this is true. It all starts with what’s in your kitchen and what you’re putting in your plate. I’m very strict with what I do. I have a foods scale and weigh my foods and I use measuring cups and spoons. I measure everything. That’s the only way to get a accurate count. I track all that I eat. To some it sounds like too much but it’s not and its worth it to me.”
chelsea says
You go girl. im ready to lose weight myself im at 213. i really need to boost. i been eatin alot of beggiea and fruits lately n i cant wait to join the gym next week. i hope it doesnt take me to long i would loveto loose at lease 5lbs a week.do u have any tipa?
chelsea says
veggies and fruits
Natasha Williams says
Eat as clean as possible and find some time to workout at least three times a week. Cook your own meals as much as possible. No fast foods, junk, pop or any of the sort. That’s the best way an also I weigh my foods daily to get an accurate amount of calories taken in, like purchase a food scale and use measuring spoons and cups and log everything you eat and I mean everything.
Naturalgal4u says
This is an awesome testimony and just the extra motivation that I needed. I am going to work harder at this weight loss thing. When I read all these posts and testimonials about different women’s weightloss strategies, the thing that sticks out to me the most is that consistency is the key. There are so many different types of exercises and meal plans that one can choose from so I think it’s important to find what works for the individual and “STICK TO IT”. I think out of every approach there is to weightloss, that is the most successful plan “consistency”. Thanks for sharing your journey and congratulations on your results.
Natasha Williams says
Thank you! And yes it varies from person to person but what I’ve learned is that changing your lifestyle is best in order to keep the weight off because if you don’t you’ll gain it back once you go back to what you eaten before that’s why I say life style change. I’ve lost weight before many times but the way I’m doing it now is very different than before. I stay reading and researching and that’s how I got the tools that I needed to lose this weight and keep going an continuing to grow and learn more. The best way is to count cals and measure all things you eat.
Natasha Williams says
And yes five pounds a week is too much now what you want is to lose 4-8 pounds a month that makes more sense. Month to month your weight loss will never be the same ever. Some weeks I lost one pound and other less than one pound so it depends. Go for one pound a week.
Kim says
Congratulations. I’m in the low 200’s and want to drop 45 pounds by the end of the summer 2013. (I think that’s doable) Seeing your photo’s inspired me. I’m starting TODAY!!! Thank you
Tessa says
What is your fitness pal id I would like to follow you and see what your plans are
Natasha Williams says
Myfitnesspal is darkchocolate_78
Janelle says
Congrats girl!! For the young lady looking to lose 5 lbs per week…don’t set yourself up to be disappointed if u don’t lose 5 lbs a week. I joined Weight Watchers several months ago, and have learned that healthy weight loss is 1-2 lbs per week. Sometimes you lose more, sometimes less. Our bodies retain water sometimes, sometimes when we beign to build muscle you may even gain a little weight and sometimes you’ll lose inches and not weight. Understand that it’s a slow and steady process, and sometimes we sabotage it by setting unrealistic goals for ourselves. Let your body do what it’s going to do, eat properly and get active, and you will notice changes in your body. Best wishes to you!!!!!!:)
Kimberly says
Im sorry but what is clean foods?
Natasha Williams says
Clean foods are foods like fruits, veggies some whole grains and stuff like that. Cooking your own meals at home no frozen dinners because its all processed.
Cheryl says
Wow!! This is an Awesome Testimony!! I am 200 lbs and I have been struggling for a while to lose the weight so I can be healtheir. I know that my consistent exercise is an issue, but I would say I east 80% healthy. I don’t eat fast foods or meat. (except for fish). This has only been for the past 1 1/2 month. I only drink water and maybe apple juice occasionally. Any suggestions about what else I can do to lose the weight. A friend told me that eating after 7pm was a big issue and my inconsistent exercise also. I have now joined my fitness pal app. My goal is about the same to get to at least 160lbs. Any input would be greatly appreciated.. I am sooo proud of you and your transformation. Let’s me know that there is hope for me also. I’ve seen a lot of storeis, and I believe that this is my year for transformation also..
Cheryl says
meant to say inconsistent exercise is an issue.
Natasha Williams says
Girl of course there is hope for you! There’s hope for all of us! That eating by 7 o’clock thing is a myth. My dinner is between 7:30 and 8 everyday and I have my last snack at 9-10ish and I still lose. It’s the things you eat not the time of day you eat it. When I say 80% clean foods that means it starts with diet and exercise is next. You can eat clean and dot exercise and loss weight all exercise do is help burn some of the fat and tone and build muscle that’s it. It’s so many myths out here that its crazy. I eat fresh veggies and fruits daily and chicken and fish but no junk food not pop nor juice at all. I don’t drink cows milk either and right now I’m doubt gluten free to see how my body reacts to it. Purchase a food scale and count every single calorie that you swallow and limit the processed foods you eat as much as possible and start cooking your own meals. Try and use as much organic and natural stuff as you can and you will see those pounds all off. Good luck hun you can do it.
Rhea says
Great job, great motivation for others.
Michelle Calhoun says
Congrad, this is my second week starting this weight loss battle and it has been hard but I am going to stick with it. Thank you, for sharing you have given us some good tips, I have one qusetion what do you eat for a late snack? I need help with snacks.
Natasha Williams says
Hi. Around 9-10 I will have either peanut butter, popcorn, frozen yogurt or any foods I make at home but always something healthy though.
Michelle Calhoun says
Thank you, I am going to get those snack for me.
Mianette says
Congratulations on your accomplishments!! I pray to make this journey that you have done!! This is the largest that I have ever been in my life. So I know that it took great commitment for you to go on this life style journey!! So again congratulations and one day soon I hope to be posting my story also.
Natasha Williams says
Thank you! And yes you will hun! Just do it and it will happen.
Yalonda says
Thanks for sharing Natasha congratulations!! I was told by my doctor I was prediabetic 2 weeks ago and I swear I started to put away my keys and walk home. I feel like I am on a fight for my life. I walk 5 miles everyday. It is a constant struggle but when I look at my 2 babies it is a fight I am willing to take. Two weeks ago I was at 260 lbs today I am at 248 lbs. My concern is do I have to add weights right know or is waliking good enough for me at this time. I am 35 and my matabalism has definatly slowed down. Please tell me what you think.
Natasha Williams says
Thank you hun and you can turn that around trust me its been done by many! We har kids so they need us so save and help yourself for them as well as yourself. Now congrats to you sweetie for that 12 pound loss, that’s what’s up right there. See you are already on the right path. And you can add what ever it is you want to add to your routine really. I do it all. Walking is good but when I was hitting 240 my doctor told me to stop walking and start using my bike so I did and hadn’t looked back since. She said its bad on the knees when you’re over weight and you destroy your joints so if you can slow down on the walking an try a bike and do some DVDs. I do Jillian stuff. I love her lol. She’s mad hardcore but she gets you results! It’s hard and its hurts but its worth what you’ll look like in the end. I do weights because when you lose a lot of pounds the skin will hang a bit and for some more than others and what strength training does is tighten that skins up and build muscle which burns fat more than cardio does. So start incorporating some strength training in your routine and the goal is to lift heavy and small reps. Use you body weight, doing push ups, tricep dips and all that it really helps too. An once you start doing all this it will boost that metabolism up real fast and also in order to do that you have to also eat six times a day every 2-4 hrs a day but healthy things though. Good luck hun you can do this.
Amy says
Hello Natasha congratulations on your weight loss success and thanks for sharing your story. My problem is the eating every 2-4 hours. I work night shift and trying to maintain a schedule that is compatible to this is difficult. I ahve incorporated more friuts and vegetables and less junk food and fast food, but just the every 2-4 hours. I had a trainer once and he told me to wake up to eat during the day. That didn’t work either.
Natasha Williams says
Thank you. And I can only imagine working night shift that it do make it difficult for you but still give it a try. Yes you want to wake up during the day to eat you have to because that’s how you’re going to boost that metabolism. Until you figure out a way to eat right that’s going to be a problem.
Felicia says
Wow listen to all of these story made me fell like im not alone im get myself back on track thanks for but me back in check.
Patrice Robrinzine says
6 years ago I had WLS and with WLS, changing my eating habits, and exercise, I lost 210 lbs. I maintained that weight lost for 5 years. Last year I was hospitalized with blood clots in my legs and lung…almost died. My eating and exercise habits had to change once I was finally released from the hospital. I then busted my knee and could not exercise AT ALL for months, and then lost my job. I went from 165 to 238(this morning). Our starting weight is almost the same and our goal weight is almost the same.
Thank you so much for sharing your story. It is so motivating. It reminded me how much I use to sing I like what I see when Im looking at me. I dont now. I love your 163 lbs picture. It reminded me of how good I felt at that size…how healthy I looked and felt. Couldn’t wait to get up in the morning just to enjoy my life. You are an inspiration. Keep up the excellent job. Congrats on the weight loss. Thank you so much again for sharing.
Natasha Williams says
Oh my I’m so sorry to hear that hun. But check this out that’s okay because you know how to lose them pounds just like before. I’m so sorry you had to endure that but I’m glad you made it thru and you have your life back to restart again and that’s more important. Thanks for reading my story also. And I’m so happy that I can inspire others to get up and get it done, that was my intentions.
Saundra says
WOW. Congrats to you!!!. I was 265 when I started my journey. Have been eating better for a few years now and that continues. Joined gym. Also walking regularly. Starting the couch to 5k running program in June. Cousin lost 70 pounds with c25k. I dropped 20 pounds already and just walked/jogged my first 5k yesterday. Excited. My weight loss goal is 100 pounds total. Going to restart the c25k program this week to prep for my 2nd 5k in December. I applaud you and every woman who is on this journey. Daughter joined a gym and loves it. Cousin in NC did Zumba and now doing water aerobics and loves it. (Dropped 2 dress sizes.) I’m having a ball at 64 years young. ON A MISSION. The best to you.
Angel says
Its great to see your journey. I started at 238 in Sept 2012 and now its Oct 21, 2012 and I am at 209. I am trying to get to 160 also. I did a weight loss challenge that I tried to get other people involved in, although no one joined in with me I lost 10lbs doing the challenge by myself. I am just trying to encourage other people to live a healthier life. Its not about being skinny or “sexy” its about being healthy. My goal for my birthday which is Christmas Day is to be at 190. I think its possible and I will strive to be there. Two months to loss 20lbs. But If I dont get to 190 as long as I could loss 10-15 I would still be happy. I also use myfitnesspal and weigh all my food. I learned a lot from Weight Watchers when I was doing it about 2yrs ago.
I too have become sightly addicted to exercising. Once I get started I go in. Its funny I started doing 10mins of the 10 minute to 20 minutes of The Firm to 20 minutes of The Firm and about an hour and half of abs and strength all at home. The more I say to myself I cant do this its too much the more I go in. I have freind that puts out challenges every month and I add those to my workout also. This month its abs and back. We go in hard. LOL. I am happy to know that there is someone who was in the same boat I am in and is now in the same boat I am trying to get to. Thank you for sharing your journey.
Natasha Williams says
Okay now so you’re on a ball lol that’s what’s up! You keep doing what you doing and you’ll be at goal in no time. You have the right attitude for this! You go!
eudora rosewood says
Jolly Time Healthy Pop Butter microwave pop corn – the whole bag is 3 ww points
Samantha Cramer says
How can i lose 73 pounds as fast as I can?