It’s time for our July 2016 Challenge! If you are participating, leave a comment below and tell us why.
This Month’s Goal:
Taking action daily by embracing simple yet powerful, healthy habits. The hope is that you will choose to adopt many of these habits for good and make them part of your successful weight loss journey.
Each day you will complete the “Task of the Day”. Some of the tasks on the checklist have a yellow check box. We suggest that you continue these tasks for the rest of the month or time frame designated.
Check out our Facebook and Instagram accounts daily so that you can share what you are doing and see what other BWLW sisters are up to during the challenge.
Download the Free Checklist – PDF File (This challenge has ended)
Join our Email list! Stay in touch with us this month and get all of our updates. |
Tools: You will need a journal/notebook for this challenge. We are asking you to do some meal planning and take your lunch to work during this challenge so you may need to invest food containers and a lunch bag.
LOSE TO WIN: We are hosting another DietBet this month for extra accountability, social support and encouragement. We’ve hosted 2616 Dietbetters who have placed $79,885 in bets and lost 14,446.2 pounds. How does it work? Put your bet in the pot. This month’s bet is just $30. You have 4 weeks to lose 4% of your bodyweight. If you reach this goal, you split the pot with other people in the Dietbet pool who have also lost 4%. Click here for the full details. The initial and final weigh-in are done via photo.
Daily Tasks
We will post additional information daily on Facebook and Instagram to help you complete each task.
1 Write down your weight loss/health/fitness goals in your journal. Focus on goals that are clear, attainable and measurable. – Review this article.
2 Do some research on healthy portion sizes and food labels. Write down 3 things that you’ve learned.
3 Create a list of 7 healthy breakfasts that are between 300-450 calories in your journal. These should be meals that you would actually try.
4 Prepare a healthy dish for yourself or to share this 4th of July.
5 Try an HIIT workout. Record how you felt after your workout in your journal.
6 Keep track of everything you eat today in your journal/notebook. Record how you felt before each meal or snack.
7 Create a list of 7 healthy snack ideas that you could eat on a regular basis are between 70 to 200 calories.
8 Avoid caffeine all day, including coffee and tea, for at least 3 whole days. Record how you feel without caffeine in your journal.
9 Do some research on how nutrition can help you avoid disease, especially any ailments that run in your family. Write down what you learn.
10 Create a list of 7 healthy lunches the are between 300-500 calories. These should be meals that you would actually try.
11 Cut out any drinks that contain processed sugar or artificial sugar, including juice and pre-made smoothies.
12 Create a list of fruits and veggies that you love. Eat at least 2 servings of fruits and 3 servings veggies today. Use fresh, unprocessed produce.
13 Commit to drinking at least 64 oz of water each day.
14 Create a list of 7 healthy dinner ideas that are between 400-600 calories. These should be meals that you would actually try.
15 Bring your lunch to work. Do some planning over the weekend and commit to bringing your lunch daily for the rest of the month or finding the healthiest option.
16 Go Vegetarian for one whole day. (Fish, eggs and dairy optional)
17 Do at least 15 minutes of Yoga today.
18 Try a new weight training workout. Record the exercises you do, the number of reps and the amount of weight per set.
19 Review your food logs. Write down at least 7 foods or drinks you need to cut out of your diet. Then write down the foods or drinks you can replace those foods with and commit to doing that for the rest of the month.
20 Drink a glass of water before breakfast, lunch and dinner. 8 to 12 oz. This will help you to feel full and to stay hydrated.
21 Try a new, challenging workout today. Push yourself! Add on 2-5 burpees at the end of your workout.
22 Over the next 3 days, plan out what you will have for dinner next week. Take this weekend to research, plan and meal prep.
23 Sit and admire yourself for at least 2 full minutes in a mirror. Write down how you feel afterwards in your journal.
24 Take a brisk walk or hike outside for at least 30 minutes. (Weather permitting)
25 Spend 20 minutes this morning thinking about the things you are grateful and thankful for. Create a Gratitude List in your journal. Add at least one new thing daily.
26 Eat completely Vegan for one whole day. No flesh foods or animal products.
27 Write down the 3 top causes of your stress eating/binging/emotional eating? What are 3 practical ways you can avoid these stressors/situations/people.
28 Review your daily food logs. Make a list of all the foods you’ve been eating on a regular basis that are unhealthy or full of empty calories. Commit to cutting out those foods.
29 Try a Tabata workout.
30 Write down at least 5 ways you can love yourself more or take better care of yourself.
31 Purchase one book on nutrition, a weight loss plan that you’d like to try, healthy recipes or a weight-related illness that you need more info about. We suggest our clean eating guide.
Doloris Smith says
I am doing this because I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. This will not be my life. Also my husband and I want to have another baby. Month of July health challenge here I come.
Tina says
I am really sorry to hear that you were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. it can be a struggle, it runs in my family and i am borderline for a few years now. but i know you will succeed, and will overcome and obstacles
good luck girly!
Lisa says
I’m taking the challenge because I’m having trouble staying focused and I need help! I’ve lost 17 lbs and I’m stuck… Ready to get beyond this plateau
Cassandra Sainders says
Yes…I will do the challenge to jump off my weight loss goal os 145-147 lbs.
Cherisse says
I’m taking this challenge to get motivated to better my health
Keidra says
I’m joining this challenge because my BMI is 60.2 and the BMI for morbid obesity is 35 – 40. I’m 22 years old and I feel like I’m not living a full life since I’m always hiding behind my weight. It hurts when doctors look at my blood work and are surprised that I AM healthy on the inside. Thank God I’m not suffering from any diseases or abnormalities, and I want to do whatever I can to keep it that way. And I accept this challenge as my first step towards that.
Kimberlee says
I’m right there with you! I’made also 22, & my BMI is 39 the last I checked. It took years of abusing my body with food to get this way, though. I’mean trying not to make a big deal about being on a “weight loss journey” & am instead focusing on caring for my body well & treating it with love & kindness – 7-9 hours of sleep every night, lots of water, plenty of whole plant foods, minimizing the oily/junky processed foods, exercising when I have the energy, & being aware of my emotional state, so that if/when I do binge, at least I know why. Wishing both of us much success in the coming years!
Dawne Collier-Dupart says
I am completing this challenge to maintain the weight loss I’ve had so far.
Angel Mayes says
I am taking on this challenge to: 1)stop some of the bad eating habits I have 2)lose weight 3)get more active 4)hold myself accountable for what goes in my mouth 5) become healthy 6)feel better about the way I look in certain clothes and shirts.
Wanda says
I am doing this challenge as an additional tool (and accountability) to stay on track to a healthier life.
Kelsie says
Count me in! I’ve been making better food choices and exercising for the past 3 weeks. This will help me make living a healthy lifestyle more permanent.
Dana says
I’m committing to this challenge in order to RESET myself, RESET my goals and along the way create some new, healthy habits.
Denise says
I plan to do it because I like it!
Gwennita Watson says
I want to participate in the July challenge because I want to lose weight and i need a support system.
Winona says
I’m in! I have made progress but last traction over the past 6 weeks. I have #relationshipgoals…. #me4me and #me4these3too. Sooooooo… since love is an action word, I need to get moving again.
Teair Purcell says
I am joining the challenge for accountability and to stay focus on my goals! I got sidetracked these last two weeks with my eating but kept up my workouts. I need to keep my eye on the “healthy living” prize!
Camita Joseph says
I will comment and jump start my weight loss journey
Rams says
I’m definitely in. Every ounce of inspiration is priceless and 0 calories too!!! Let’s go!!
Angela Forrest says
I am doing this to get off my plateau as well. Let’s do this
Ultra Humphries says
Im taking this challenge because I am 40 lbs overweight and I’m also borderline diabetic. I need motivation and also accountability to help me reach my goal. Im 43 years old and praying that I’m able to loose this weight, become healthier, and continue to keep this lifestyle
Jan L says
Yes. I am doing this as extra motivations for my renewed weight loss journey.