Weight Loss Story of the Day: Hairstyling Diva Wannie lost 76 pounds by changing her eating habits in putting in a lot of exercise time. Here is what she shared with us about her journey… I just got tired of being overweight and didn’t want the health problems that come with it. I cut a lot […]
Diandra lost 173 pounds with surgery
Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Diandra lost 173 pounds. Motivated by wanting to live a long life with her family, she opted to have weight loss surgery and change her lifestyle to lose the weight. Here is what she shared with us about her journey… Hi, I’m Diandra and I started my weight loss […]
Best Exercises for Building Your Booty
It isn’t a secret that women often strive to not just tone their legs and abs but also get a more toned, rounded backside. Having a larger booty has now become an American obsession reflected in Pop Culture…especially music videos. There are hundreds of different workout regimens promising a perfectly lifted butt and tons of 30 day […]
Sharon lost 113 pounds
Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Sharon lost 113 pounds, down from 308 lbs at 5’4″. After a wakeup call at the doctor’s office, she wanted to avoid any serious weight-related illnesses and live a healthy lifestyle. She shared with us about what steps she’s taken to change her life. I began my weight loss journey after going for […]
Ebony lost 100 pounds
Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Ebony lost 100 pounds. After years of sexual abuse, depression and low self-esteem, she broke out of a cycle of comforting herself with emotional eating and began to heal herself, mind, body and soul. Here is what she shared about her transformation… Hi, My name is Ebony. I’m 28 years […]
Tanisha lost 57 pounds
Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Tanisha lost 57 pounds, going from a size 18/20 to a size 6/8. Determined not to face the cycle of health problems in her family line that she saw other family members suffering with, she decided to change her lifestyle one step at a time. Here is what she shared […]
Chasity lost 50 pounds
Weight Loss Success Story of the Day: Chasity lost 50 pounds by going low carb and embracing exercise. Hi my name is Chasity Nero from Richmond, Va. I went from 230 pounds to 180 pounds (height: 5’5″). I started my journey in February of last year. What was your motivation? What inspired you? I realized that I […]
Roxanne lost 47 pounds
Weight Loss Success Story of the Day: Roxanne lost 47 pounds with clean eating and regular exercise. She knew that cleaning up her eating habits would be key to success with releasing the pounds. Here is what she shared about her journey… Well, My story begins with someone on a New York City train telling me that I […]
Booty Blast Workout
Check out our new Booty Blast Workout. If you are able*, you can do this workout at home or in the gym with minimal equipment. The High Knees and jump squats will help keep you in cardio mode while the squats, donkey kicks and lunges work those butt muscles. I would suggest you start with […]
Tasha lost 47 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Tasha lost 47 pounds. She believes that it’s important to change your lifestyle to be healthier, not just to look better. Check out what she shared with us about embracing healthy eating and exercise… What motivated me to lose weight was that I didn’t want to see myself going through what my […]