Hey Transformation Tuesday!! 2 years ago, I couldn’t have imagined that I’d be where I am in my health & wellness journey..Summer is a time for sun, sand & travel…Yes, I smiled for the camera during family vacations, but I was far from happy..My 4’11” frame was nearing 200lbs..I was unhealthy & unhappy April of […]
workout dads
Patrice lost 103 pounds
Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Patrice lost 103 pounds. After dealing with pain and depression that she faced due to the loss of a child and sexual violence in her past, this strong mom has risen up and changed her life. We are so happy that she shared her story with us… I started out at […]
Healthy Deal: Jillian Michaels Body Revolution – 50% off
Today’s Healthy Deal 3/24/15: Get Jillian Michaels Body Revolution for 50% off the regular price on Amazon.com. $59.98 for 15 workout DVDs, a 90-Day Journal, a Kick Start Diet Guide, Meal Plan and more? That’s a deal! This sale is only available for a limited time, so check it out today! 90-Day Extreme Weight-Loss System – […]
Tsitsi lost 78 pounds
Weight Loss Success Story of the Day: Tsitsi lost 78 pounds. This mom was tired of health issues, tight clothes and not having the energy to play with her boys. She decided to embrace regular exercise and eat food straight from mother nature to reach her health and weight loss goals. Here is what she […]
Alzadia lost 60 pounds
Update May 2017: We’ve been following Alzadia’s story since 2014 and she has kept the weight off. Yesterday (5/7) was my four year fit-anniversary and I’m grateful to say that I’m still going strong! I’ve had some challenges and have lost some battles during this journey, but the key is to keep going. Towards the end […]
Tia lost 107 pounds
Update Jan 2017: Three years later, Tia wrote in to share an update on losing 107 pounds. She has had some set backs, but she continues to stay focused and practice healthy habits. Despite having minor set backs, I have still managed to keep my weight under 200 pounds. I’m determined to get back to where […]
Darlene lost 70 pounds
Today’s weight loss success story: Darlene lost 70 pounds with handwork, the help of workout buddies and great trainers. This proud mom and Air Force wife has shared a tremendous amount of detail on how she lost the weight. Here is what she shared: “Here’s my story… Just like many people, I have dieted and exercised practically […]
Crystal lost 30 pounds
Today’s featured weight loss story: Crystal lost 30 pounds. Her photos show that you don’t have to lose 100 pounds to transform your body. Working our regularly, building muscle and eating clean are key. Here is her story: What was your motivation? “At first I wanted to lose weight because I was tired going up in […]