Results are what have kept her dedicated to a healthy lifestyle that keeps her feeling empowered and confident as she approaches 50. She shared with us how she transformed her body and mindset.
whole foods
Shanay Alexis lost 100 pounds
Shanay Alexis shares how she lost 100 pounds. The journey wasn’t just about weight for her. It was about rediscovering herself, understanding nutrition, and embracing a lifestyle that promotes wellness and well-being.
Quila lost 83 pounds
Quila lost 83 pounds and reclaimed her health. At 25 years old, she faced several serious health challenges, including Fibromyalgia, Lupus, and two autoimmune diseases – Lupus and Sjogren’s syndrome.
Jade lost 60 pounds
Jade began her journey as a freshman at Howard University. Walking up and down the hills on campus, she noticed that she was constantly out of breath and uncomfortable.
Dye lost 45 pounds after baby #2
Dye lost 45 pounds postpartum. We’ve featured her story before, and now she’s giving us an update on her journey after giving birth to her second child. She’s a health coach, so she put her knowledge of clean keto to work.
Camille lost 41 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Camille lost 41 pounds. She wanted to be healthier overall, mentally, spiritually, and physically. Her workout routine progressed from walking to running, and she focused on eating nutrient-rich, whole foods.
Jessica lost 40 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Jessica lost 40 pounds. She and her husband decided to adopt a plant-based, whole foods focused eating style. During this process, she learned that you can’t lose weight for other people, and you can’t solely rely on them to keep you accountable or motivated. You have to stay the course with self-love and discipline.
Breanna lost 43 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Breanna lost 43 pounds. Emotional binge eating derailed her weight loss efforts in the past, but after giving birth to her daughter, she found her motivation. She eats a plant-based diet centered around whole foods and jumps rope for exercise.
Clean Eating on the Go: 40 Snack Ideas
Eating right on the go is one of the difficult parts about eating clean. Almost all of the most common, most convenient foods are not going to fit in with the protocol, especially your new focus on simple, whole ingredients and food combinations. Fast food and junk food won’t cut it. For this reason, advance planning is a […]
Quick Clean Eating: 10 Delicious Sheet Pan Recipes
All you need is a sheet pan and great ingredients to make a delicious, quick, clean meal. Think of some of your favorite roasted veggies. Now, combine them with your favorite proteins. Bam!! You’re on to something. Cooking this way saves time, especially when it comes to meal prepping. Check out the recipes below for some […]