Transformation of the Day: Joanna lost 60+ pounds. She tried Keto, but it wasn’t a good fit. Eventually, she tried Weight Watchers and fell in love with the program. Her workouts began with walking, and now she’s worked her way up to conquering the Insanity program.
weight watchers
Davina lost 115 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Davina lost 115 pounds. After the birth of her second child, she felt like she’d let herself go. Joining Weight Watchers gave her the push she needed. Eventually, she learned how to get results without cutting out any food groups and how to work out effectively in the gym.
Nicole lost 50 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Nicole lost 50 pounds by changing her lifestyle. Her inspiration is her mom, who passed away due to complications of diabetes. She changed her eating habits by doing things like maintaining a calorie deficit and using portion control.
Erica lost 91 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Erica lost 91 pounds with healthy eating habits and exercise. Her journey isn’t just about physical change. It’s about personal growth and transforming her mindset. She knows that comparison is the thief of joy, and we each have a unique journey.
Vanessa lost 70 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Vanessa lost 70 pounds. Healing from sexual trauma and no longer wanting to be a prisoner in her own body was her motivation. Weight Watchers and taking 10,000 steps a day were two keys to her success. Read her story.
Colleen lost 32 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Colleen lost 32 pounds. She got tired of struggling with what to wear each day. After seeing her co-worker’s results, she decided to give Weight Watchers another try. Check out her story. My name is Colleen, and I’ve lost 32 pounds since April 2018. I got tired of not fitting my […]
Latoya lost 85 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Latoya lost 85 pounds. For this mom, cardio, weight training and keeping track of exactly what she ate was a powerful combination. She learned the value of persistence and consistent, positive action. Check out her transformation story. When did you start your journey? I started my weight loss journey in September 2017. […]
Merial lost 155 pounds
Shout out to Merial! She’s down 161lbs, and she’s featured in the June 11th issue of People Magazine. Check out the article. So…the princess made the cover again….But there’s a QUEEN inside this issue!!!! Will hit stands on Friday!!
Thank you all soooo much for being such amazing inspirations to me! Getting rid […]
Charlotte lost more than 100 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Charlotte lost more than 100 pounds. This Zeta Phi Beta soror knew that Weight Watchers works. She rejoined the program in an effort to not only lose weight, but to help alleviate her knee issues as well. With determination and focus, she created a new, healthy lifestyle. She’s kept the weight off […]
Lagacia lost 58 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Lagacia lost 58 pounds. She is no stranger to the ups and downs of releasing the weight. This time, she decided that she didn’t want her journey to be miserable. She shared with us the powerful rules and tools she used to achieve lasting success. Check out her story. Starting date […]