Today’s Inspiration | Help YOURSELF! There are tons of free websites out there with detailed weight loss info, like,, and There are thousands of books on losing weight. There is an amazing amount of information out there that can help you to lose weight if you want to. Here are the top […]
weight loss
“Denial is not just a river in Egypt.”
Today’s Inspiration | “Denial is not just a river in Egypt.” Ladies, denial will not improve our situations. Today, commit to seeing what you see. Don’t make judgements against yourself, just see the truth of your situation. See the truth of how you feel about yourself. See the good and the bad. Look beyond you […]
Tough Love
IF you are on Facebook and you know how to use Google, you should be able to find, modify, or come up with your own plan for weight loss. If you are not willing to invest some time to learn about what healthy food is and what exercise routine works for you (and your health […]
The Only Truth About Weight Loss
I receive messages from a lot of women asking for weight loss help. They want advice, they want tools, they want answers. Many of these women are actually ready to lose weight. They are willing to change their eating habits, exercise, and educate themselves so that they can develop their own unique weight loss sustaining […]
Put Negative Thoughts on a Diet
Today’s Inspiration | Put negative thoughts on a “diet”. Each of us is responsible for the content of our own minds. You have a choice as to the content of what you program your mind with. I like the saying “Garbage in,garbage out.” It reminds me to become more conscious of what I put into […]
My Top 7 Sites for Healthy Yet Tasty Recipes
Do you want to reboot your diet with healthy, delicious recipes – look no further than these seven (free) websites. They’ll bring diversity to your diet – satisfy your palate, and help you prepare nutritious meals. Here is the BWLW list of the Top 7 recipe sites for tasty yet healthy food. – Clean Eating Magazine is […]