Sondra has lost 41 pounds by “just eating healthy and alot of walking.” She says, “The pic on the left was almost two years, ago. I weight 265 pounds. the pic on the right i just took Thursday and I am weighing 224. My ideal weight IS 150. i know i can do it with […]
weight loss
Black Women Must Support Each Other on this Weight Loss Journey
Today’s Inspiration | African American women, Let ‘s support one another as we walk this journey to health together. You may not agree with another sista’s methods. You may feel that someone should work harder or is taking an easy route. This should not get in the way of us connecting and supporting each other. […]
Tiana went from 250 to 149!
BWLW member Tiana went from 250 to 149 lbs. Exercise was key to her success. She shared her story with us on Facebook. She says, “My Name Is Tiana I am 24 yrs old and 5’2 in height. about two years ago I was 250lbs I looked in the mirror and told myself something has […]
Shay has lost 156 pounds! She is amazing!
BWLW FB member Shay is Amazing!!! She has lost 156 pounds since Nov 2011!! You can follow along with her on her journey via her Facebook page: She says, “Many will agree that losing weight is probably one of the hardest things to do. Last summer, I weighed in at almost 360 pounds. Standing […]
Day 3 – September Smoothie Challenge – Add More Calories to Your Smoothies
And the beat goes on! We are dedicated and drinking nutritional goodness this month. Keep the great recipes and reports coming in here, on Facebook and in our online community. Today’s Tip – What can you add to your smoothie to get more calories? I know that a few ladies have been concerned about getting […]
Why do we fall for quick-fix weight loss products?
Today’s Inspiration | What quick fix weight loss solutions have you fallen for? Pills, powders, shots? Did they work long term? Do you really get the benefits that were promised? The quick fixes look good because so many of us are optimistic that we have found the magic solution that will help us to lose […]
Try the The Semi-Vegetarian Jumpstart
Sistas, everyone wants quick weight loss. Everyone always wants shortcuts when I give them the advice to eat clean and exercise. Well, let me give you a healthy “shortcut”. Take these suggestions and do them all together for 30 days. I call it “The Semi-Vegetarian Jumpstart”. It’s not for everyone, but you may be able […]
Von is down 40 pounds this year!
Von is looking great! She has lost 40lbs! She says, “I was having major health issues and had to lose weight. I was taking meds for diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol. I have 40lbs lost since January 3, 2012 and do not have to take any medications! My ultimate goal is to lose 60lbs more. […]
Affirmation: Let go of worn out things
“I now let go of worn out things, worn out conditions, and worn out relationships. Divine order is now established and maintained in me and in my world.” -Catherine Ponder BWLW Ladies, Let go of the worn out things in your life so that the divine can put in place the things you need in […]
Congrats to Sandra on Losing 87.5 Pounds
Congrats to Online Community Member Sandra! Her before and after photos are the top post on our community site: She she has gone from 249.5 to 162 and looks great! She says, “I began my journey about 9 months ago. I would eat so badly I was ashamed of myself. Once I realized I was tipping the […]