Today’s featured weight loss success story: Adrienne lost 60 pounds on the Digest Diet. She has shared the details of her amazing story with us. Check it out: Unfortunately, I have always had an unhealthy view about my weight. Mostly due to insecurity visited upon me at an elementary school age. However, I was never […]
weight loss
Kim lost 35 pounds
Update from Kim! She has lost a total of 45 pounds (down from 210lbs): Feb 1, 2014 – “Hello, Ladies just wanted to give you an update on my story since my last post. I have lost an additional 10 pounds, which now puts me at 165. I was planning on waiting until I hit my […]
Tinesha lost 110 pounds
Today’s featured weight loss before and after photos: My Sigma Gamma Rho soror Tinesha lost 110 pounds. In the beginning, she had lap band weight reduction surgery. She worked on how her emotions and mental state affect her eating and learned to eat healthy. She no longer suffers from high blood pressure, sleep apnea […]
Laura lost 70 pounds
Today’s featured weight loss before and after: Laura lost 70 pounds by switching to low carb eating (with fruit and veggies) and regular exercise. What a differences a year makes! I reached my goal in March 2013. I really exceeded my expectations when I started this weight loss journey on April 17, 2012. It […]
Bianca lost 106 pounds with weight reduction surgery
Bianca lost 106 pounds and is an advocate helping women who have had weight loss surgery and working to remove the stigma associated with having weight reduction surgery. Hey, I love your page and I love the healthy lifestyle you guys promote for black women. I myself have lost 106 pounds, going from 300 plus […]
Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar has a variety of food and non-food uses. It’s used in salad dressings. You can kill weeds with it. Some even use it to clean coffee makers. It’s benefits as a health remedy has been talked about for centuries. Recently, Apple Cider Vinegar has been seen as a health tonic and something […]
Monica lost 91 pounds
Let’s show some “You DID that, Girl” love to Monica who has lost 91 pounds. The mother of triplets + one more completely changed her diet and embraced exercise and meal planning. Here is what she had to say about her weight loss journey: I started my weight lost journey on December 16 2011. The […]
5 Simple Ways to Help Your Body Release the Weight
With all the fad diets out there, weight loss seems like a complicated formula that requires multiple factors in order to be efficient. In reality, weight loss is simple since it occurs when less calories are consumed than taken in causing a calorie deficit. Sure there are other factors like body mass, illness, overall health, […]
Yas lost 102 pounds
Today’s featured weight loss before and after: Weight loss blogger Yas lost 102 pounds with workout DVDs, MyFitnessPal and protein shakes. I am ready to share my story. I have been over weight most of my life but was pretty active playing softball and being in the Marching Band in High School and College. There were […]
Britt lost 50 pounds
Update 10/5/13: Britt is now down 85 pounds. See the photo of her progress below. Let’s show some Black Women Losing Weight love to Britt on her 50 pound weight loss. She has dropped carbs, embraced clean eating and green smoothies and exercises regularly, such as taking Zumba classes. I have lost 50 pounds in […]