Weight Loss Success Story of the Day: Proud mom Andrea lost 68 pounds in 7 months by changing her habits to create a healthier lifestyle. Here is what she shared about how she lost the weight: “My motivation to lose weight was a better ME. Once I became a mother (9 years ago), I just […]
weight loss
Denna lost 78 pounds
Weight Loss Success Story of the Day: Denna lost 78 pounds and was motivated by her love for her children and wanting to be there for them. Here is what she shared with us about losing the weight: “Hi all, my name is Denna and I am currently on a fitness journey that I have […]
Faneshia lost 41 pounds
Regular exercice and cleaning up her eating habits helped Faneshia lose 41 pounds. Here is what she shared about her weight loss journey: “Greeting, I was speaking to my friend on the phone and she was talking about how excited she was to have joined a local fitness center. I do not know what is was, […]
Alexis lost 90 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Avid runner Alexis lost 90 pounds with exercise, clean eating and the help of a great online training program. She is now a cycling instructor. Here is what she shared about her weight loss journey: What was your motivation? “My motivation was looking at myself in the mirror and becoming […]
Amberly lost 35 pounds
Let’s show some love to Amberly. She recently received negative feedback on Facebook from folks who felt it wasn’t right for her to post her bodybuilding bikini photos and be a Christian (more info in the video below). She has also shared with us how she lost the weight and transformed her body to be […]
Shadonna lost 100 pounds
Weight loss surgery worked for Shadonna. This proud mom lost 100 pounds after years of dieting and being diagnosed with diabetes and high blood pressure. Here is what she shared about losing the weight: “My name is Shadonna Cornish and I’ve been having problems with my weight for over 10 years. I tried every weight […]
Message from Tanya of Biggest Loser, Season 15
Hey Ladies, I just wanted to let you know that I was so excited to get this message in our Facebook inbox this week! I just had to share it with you. We got a great message from Tanya Winfield of Biggest Loser, Season 15. “Hello, I’m Tanya from the Biggest Loser and I love your […]
Felicia lost 55 pounds
Today’s featured story: Proud Navy wife and mom Felicia lost 55 pounds. She provided lots of detail about her weight loss journey and how she transformed her weight and health. Check out her story below: “Summer of 2010 the majority of my mornings I would wake up feeling extremely sluggish & as the day would […]
Keisha lost 59 pounds
Let’s show some BWLW lost to Keisha. She lost 59 pounds after having her son by using portion control, taking lunch to work daily, working out and other healthy lifestyle changes. Here is what she shared about her weight loss journey: “My name is Keisha Watson. I’ve lost 59 pounds so far. My starting weight was 275 […]
Have a Healthy and Fit Holiday with our Amazon Gift Picks
Hey Ladies, I just thought I’d give you a few suggestions for gift ideas you may not have thought of for yourself and others that will help to make this holiday season healthier and may assist with weight loss goals. Give the gift of wellness this season. Amazon.com Widgets Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links, which […]