Featured Weight Loss Success Story: Shantia lost 76 pounds. This Canadian diva celebrates her curves but wanted to be healthier and happier. She used clean eating and walking to lose the pounds. Check out the details of her journey: “Hello, my name is Shantia Upshaw and I’m from Canada. I have been overweight my entire […]
weight loss
Meka lost 103 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: My Sigma Gamma Rho Soror Meka lost 103 pounds. She was motivated by dealing with infertility, fibroids and sleep apnea, two conditions that are many times impacted by weight. Read her story and find out how she changed her lifestyle to find greater wellness: “My motivation for losing weight […]
Rosa lost 65 pounds
One of our sistas in Puerto Rico wrote in to share her weight loss story. Rosa lost 65 pounds in 7 months by being very consistent with her healthy lifestyle changes. Read her story and find out what she did to change her life. Hello my name is Rosa. I currently reside in Puerto Rico. […]
Helen lost 83 pounds
Featured Weight Loss Success Story: Helen lost 83 pounds. This proud mom of 4 took a natural approach to weight loss and embraced plant-based eating to lose the pounds. Read more about her journey below: “I’m a 40 year old single mother of 4 beautiful, spoiled (sometimes get on my nerves) children. Their ages are […]
Robin lost 34 pounds
Update Feb 2017: It’s 3 years later and Robin is still on a mission. Check out her update. Still at it!! I gained 40 pounds in my 30’s due to an unhappy marriage, loss of loved ones and a sedentary lifestyle. I lost 35 pounds and gained 10 pounds back. I am in the process […]
Tiffany lost 75 pounds
Tiffany lost 75 pounds. Like any other moms, she still had a lot of baby weight to lose years after giving birth to her son. She has decided to take charge of her health and fitness and lose the pounds. Read her story: “I love this page ! It’s so inspiring to see women taking […]
LaLa lost 72 pounds
Today’s Weight Loss Story: LaLa lost 72 pounds. She was inspired to get health by her mother’s battle with chronic illness and now she hopes her story motivates others to get healthy. Here is what she told us about how she lost the weight: “My name is Lala and I’m 42 years old. I have […]
Helping Others to Succeed: Congrats to Cookie
Update: Back in 2014, Cookie Miller shared her amazing transformation story with us. Today, she’s an awesome personal trainer. Today, Dec 6th, you may have seen her on the Dr. Oz show. She wrote to tell us that Dr. Oz is looking for a new trainer to join the show and Cookie is in the RUNNING! Let’s […]
Siobhan lost 35 pounds
Featured Weight Loss Story: Siobhan lost 35 pounds. After losing a parent to Lupus, she was inspired to get her health back in order in their honor. With practical changes to her eating and exercise, she was able to be consistent and see change. Here is what she shared with us about what she did: […]
Video: Michele lost 82 pounds and is talking about loose skin
Michele lost 82 pounds and she looks amazing. If you missed it, you should definitely check out her story. She is now seeking to have skin removal surgery for loose skin. She has bared her soul in the video below so I thought I’d share it with you. Many people who lose significant amounts of weight […]