Update Sept 2015: Check out Shyliece‘s progress. In the past, you’ve posted the middle of my journey. I decided to lose weight after almost having a stroke at a early age. I’ve had chronic asthma since 11 months old and chronic hypertension since age 13, which required me to take many pills daily. I’ve faced […]
weight loss
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Michele lost 55 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Michele lost 55 pounds, going from 235 lbs to 180 lbs. She worked our regularly, followed a solid weight loss plan and changed her eating habits. Here is what she shared with us about her weight loss journey: “I lost weight (22lbs) before and didn’t keep up with it […]
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Sindy lost 75 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Sindy lost 75 pounds. This proud mom was prescribed a lifestyle change by her doctor after being diagnosed with heart problems. She embraced clean eating and regular exercise to transform her health and her curves. Here is what she shared with us: Hi, I love your page! A little info […]
Update: Elaine lost 145 pounds
Check out this update from Elaine on how she lost the pregnancy weight – July 2015: I was featured back in June of last year for losing a total of 145 pounds. In September of last year I found out that I was having a baby and gained over 80 pounds during the pregnancy. I knew that I had to eat healthier […]
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Patricia lost 52 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Patricia lost 52 pounds, going from 302 pounds to 250 pounds. She was motivated by a pain issue and decided it was time to change her lifestyle. Here is what she shared with us about her journey: Hi, my name is Patricia. My story is a little different than […]
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Christina lost 103 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Christina lost 103 pounds. This singer and SGRho Soror began her weight loss journey after a wake up call at the doctor’s office and some inspiration from an MTV star’s weight loss. She did the work and now she is reaping the benefits of greater health. Here is what she […]
Work in progress: Mykenz lost 23 pounds
Let’s show some love to Mykenz. This proud mom wrote in to share about the changes she’s made in the last few months that have allowed her to lose 23 pounds after years of yo-yo dieting. She is a work in progress, but is seeing great results already. I know that she will ultimately reach her […]
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Sha lost 72 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Sha lost 72 pounds. This actress and dancer faced major health challenges that stalled her career and relationship turmoil before reaching the point where she was ready to change her life and get healthy. Check out what she shared about losing the weight: Hi my name is Sha. I have been […]
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Bernadette lost 73 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Bernadette lost 73 pounds. She decided that enough was enough and that she wanted to like what she saw in the mirror. She changed her eating habits and started exercising regularly to reach her goals. Read more about her weight loss journey: “I’m Bernadette Robinson and I wanted to […]
Renae lost 55 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Renae lost 55 pounds. This single mom wrote to us from St. Croix in the Virgin Islands to let us know all about her weight loss journey. She learned that changing your lifestyle is hard work and hard to commit to, but it’s all worth it. Check out what she […]