Weight Loss Story: Ladii lost 75 pounds. After a few wake up calls, this proud mom decided to get moving and lose the weight this year. Here is what she shared with us about her journey… Ever since I got married at 16 years old and gained 100 lbs in 6 months, I’ve a hard […]
weight loss
Keyrah lost 100 pounds
Shout out to Keyrah. She is still going strong and spreading the Vegan love. She’s gone from 288 pounds to 161 pounds. It’s Meatless Motivational Monday💪🏽🌱💕 . 🗣Can I please have your attention for a moment? 🤗 #LongPostAlert . I know that for those people on the fence and not really sure if they’re ready […]
Yanica lost 40 pounds
Weight Loss Transformation: Yanica lost 40 pounds and has transformed her body with fat loss and muscle gain. She looks amazing and says that weight lifting has been key to keeping her curves. Her story is also proof that it’s not just about numbers on the scale. Check out more of what she had to […]
Christy lost 161 pounds
Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Christy lost 161 pounds. Focused on being happier and healthier, this petite diva had the support of her children and a great weight loss coach to help her change her eating habits, embrace exercise and change her lifestyle. Here is what she shared with us about how she did it… What […]
Cartina lost 26 pounds
Weight Loss Journey: Cartina lost 26 pounds. She shared with us about the ups and downs of her weight loss journey. Hello Ladies, My name is Cartina Harris. I’m 42 years old and I will turn 43 in August. I knew I needed to change because diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease run in my family. […]
What Is Cellulite, Really?
Orange peels thighs, cottage cheese butt, fat dimples… These are just some of the names people use in reference to cellulite. Despite this condition being general associated with being overweight and eating unhealthy foods, roughly 80-90% of women have it. These are women of various sizes, small and large. Many of which may not be aware […]
Transformation: Michelle Gabriella lost 46 pounds
Update Dec 2015 – Michelle has lost over 50 pounds! She shared her progress since August: Since I was featured on Black Women Losing Weight, I have been continuing my path to become a Fitness Model. I’m tracking my entire journey on the road there, week by week on my Instagram: @Fitmelle. I post food ideas, videos of […]
Kisha lost 69 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Kisha lost 69 pounds. This proud mom was tired of battling her weight and dealing with a number of health issues, such as asthma. She committed to change and her commitment shows. Here is what she shared about losing the weight… Hello, my name is Kisha and I want to […]
Natalie lost 45 pounds
Weight Loss Story: Natalie lost 45 pounds. Determined to break the chains of a family history of illness, this petite powerhouse took action to change her life. Here is what she shared with us about her journey… The picture on the right is from February 2014 and the one on the left was taken in June 2015. I […]
Tanisha lost 67 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Tanisha lost 67 pounds. Her daughter’s health issues inspired her to release the weight. By making changes to her eating habits and working out on a regular basis, she’s changed her life. Here is what she shared with us about her journey… I weighed 315 pounds, my knees were […]