Transformation of the Day: Alexis lost 63 pounds. This mom wants to be able to keep up with her two young sons. She got results by making practical, straightforward changes to her eating habits and by working out regularly.
weight loss story
Joanne lost 40 pounds
Joanne lost 40 pounds by focusing on nutritious food and fitness. She struggled with weight gain on and off for four years. Tired of fads and quick weight loss schemes, she was ready to feel confident and healthy. She has transformed mentally, nutritionally, and physically.
Desiree lost 50 pounds
Desiree lost 50 pounds. With hard work and commitment, she has truly transformed. She is strict with her healthy eating habits five days a week, but she also enjoys two cheat days. Instead of a traditional workout routine, she dances for exercise.
Shannon lost 38 pounds
Shannon lost 38 pounds by working out and eating whole foods. A few years ago, she experienced weight gain due to health issues and medication. She restarted her fitness journey in 2019 because she wants to be healthy for her family and live a long, prosperous life.
Tiffany lost 37 pounds
Tiffany lost 37 pounds. During the peak of the pandemic, she decided she was tired of feeling bad, ordering DoorDash, and not being in control. She took action by cooking more meals and working out at home or at a local park.
Shanika lost 48 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Shanika lost 48 pounds. After years of admiring fitness competitors, she decided to start training for a bikini competition. Being consistent with her diet plan and working with a trainer were key factors that led to her success.
Monet lost 210 pounds
Monet lost 210 pounds naturally over the course several years. When she flatlined while in recovery after having emergency surgery, that was her wakeup call. By changing her lifestyle, she as able to beat PCOS and give birth to 2 beautiful childen during her journey.
Stephanie lost 190 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Stephanie lost 190 pounds. Health was her motivation, having been diagnosed with diabetes and hypothyroidism. During her five year journey, she totally changed her eating habits. She also purchased a treadmill, which was life-changing for her.
LockMarie lost 80 pounds
LockMarie lost 80 pounds, and she has worked to keep the weight off for 10 years. She is 47 years young, and understands that eating clean and exercising on a regular basis are a power combination.
Quay lost 25 pounds
Quay lost 25 pounds with healthier eating habits and exercise. She got serious about improving her health because she wants to start a family with her husband. She learned that consistency is key and that you can’t be too hard on yourself.