Featured weight loss story: Proud mom LaTia lost 36 pounds and is down 6 pants sizes. Here is what she shared with us about her weight loss journey: “My name is LaTia and I’m 25 years old. I started my weight loss journey back in April 2013. My motivation to lose weight was when I […]
weight loss motivation
Joy lost 21 pounds
Today’s weight loss story: Joy lost 21 pounds and fought off high blood pressure and high cholesterol. She knows that slow and steady wins the race and you can see your health improved just with a loss of 20 pounds. Here is what she shared with us: “I began taking my weight loss seriously in […]
Ashisha lost 65 pounds
Today’s weight loss success story: Ashisha lost 65 pounds in 7 months. She lost the weight by working out at home and changing her eating habits. Here is what she shared about her weight loss journey: “Hi, My name is Ashisha. During my weight loss journey, I’ve lost a total of 65 pounds. I’ve always […]
Rene lost 36 pounds
Let’s show some BWLW love to Rene’. She’s lost 36 pounds in 5 months. She has changed her lifestyle to avoid high blood pressure. Doing a raw vegan detox and exercising were part of her journey. Here is more info: “My name is Rene’ and my journey to lose weight began June 2013. From June-Oct, […]
Sheila lost 43 pounds
Featured weight loss story of the day: Sheila lost 43 pounds in 6 months. She embraced regular exercise and made healthy changes to her eating to make getting healthy and lifestyle change her focus. She also got help for chronic pain. Here is what she shared with us: What was your motivation? My main […]
Quita lost 22 pounds
Let’s show some love to Quita on her 22 pound weight loss. She embraced working out with DVDs and eating right. Here is what she shared with us: “My motivation was me turning 30 years old and not loving my outer appearance. Earlier this year, I was 178 pounds and now I weigh 156 pounds. […]
Beatrice lost 84 pounds
Today’s featured weight loss story: Beatrice lost 84 pounds by working out and eating right. She was inspired by her brother’s weight loss and decided to lose the weight after a wakeup call from her doctor. Here is what she shared with us: “Hi, I would like to share my story. My name is Beatrice. […]
Mia lost 58 pounds
Today’s featured weight loss success story: Mia lost 58 pounds. She created a Facebook page to keep herself accountable by publicly documenting her weight loss journey. Here is what she shared with us: Hello, my name is Mia. My motivation for losing weight came in 2011 after I had fallen up concrete steps while walking […]
Tabaitha lost 53 pounds
Today’s featured success story: Tabaitha lost 53 pounds and she’s kept the weight off since 2011. Here is what she shared about her weight loss journey: Hi! I want to be a inspiration to the ladies to keep going! My name is Tabaitha and I’m 53 pounds down and counting. My motivation for losing the […]
Tina lost 50 pounds
Today’s weight loss success story: Tina lost 50 pounds and has kept it off for 6 years. We all know that it’s hard to get the weight off, but it can be even harder to keep it off. Here is what she shared with us: Hello, My name is Tina and I would like to […]