Mia’s story is our Success Story of the Day. She went from 260 pounds to 16% body fat and she’s no longer using the scale to judge her progress. This chef has transformed her body with bodybuilding and clean eating. Read all about her journey below. Starting out on November 26,2012 when I woke up and joined Lifetime Fitness […]
weight loss motivation
Tamara lost 51 pounds
Today’s Success Story: Tamara lost 51 pounds. She wanted to avoid a family history of weight-related illness and eat in a way that better supported her overall health. She found success in a supportive workout group and changed her eating habits to melt away the pounds. Here is what she share with us about her […]
Monica lost 67 pounds
Featured Weight Loss Success Story: Monica lost 67 pounds. This proud mom of 2 girls found that Zumba and clean eating were very effective as she committed to her quest to have a healthier lifestyle. Here is what she shared with us: Hello, my name is Monica. I am a 33 year old parent of […]
Teresa lost 100 pounds
Featured Success Story: Teresa lost 100 pounds. She credits calorie counting, participating in monthly weight loss and health challenges (like ours) and an online support group. Here is what she shared with us about going from 293 lbs to 193 lbs. Hi! My name is Teresa Applewhite-Sharpe! My motivation to lose weight was to prove to […]
Kimberly lost 62 pounds
Today’s Featured Success Story: Proud mom Kimberly set her mind to it and lost 62 pounds. With the support of her family, she was able to go cold turkey and eat clean. Consistent exercise and tracking her eating were also key to her success. Learn more about her journey below. What was your motivation? Losing […]
Melz lost 65 pounds and is documenting her journey
Zeta Phi Beta Soror Melz lost 65 pounds and is documenting her journey on Facebook and Instagram (@fitgrlmelz). I wanted to share her story as the Success Story of the Day, because I love it when people share their weight release journey in pictures with the world to give hope to others. What was your motivation? […]
Ledeatra lost 100 pounds
Zeta Phi Beta Soror Ledeatra lost a little over 100 pounds. She credits working out with her personal trainer and completely cleaning up her eating habits as the major factors in her journey. Here story is today’s weight loss success story of the day. I lost 100 lbs in 6 and half months. My motivation was that […]
Sandy lost 65 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Sandy lost 65 pounds. We are so happy that one of our monthly challenges provided the wake up call she needed and was a turning point for her progress. This proud mom has embraced regular exercise, cut out highly processed foods and committed to changing her health. Here is what […]
Jeanette lost 138 pounds with weight loss surgery
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Jeanette lost 138 pounds with weight loss surgery. Although weight loss was the cause of her divorce, Jeanette refused to give up. The proud grandmother is committed to losing the weight. Check out what she shared with us: Hi my name is Jeanette Taylor I had RNY weight loss surgery […]
Sherie lost 50 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Zeta Phi Beta Soror Sherie lost 50 pounds. Through hearing some harsh words from her doctor, Sherie got a wake up call. She changed her lifestyle and took her health into her own hands. Here is what she shared about her weight loss journey: My motivation was having high blood […]