Transformation of the Day: Shemeka lost 133 pounds. PCOS and depression could not stop her. This mental health social worker was tired of the weight loss rollercoaster and, with time, she found the solutions that work for her.
weight loss motivation
Nicole lost 110 pounds
Nicole lost 110 pounds. To regain her confidence, she had to accept what she didn’t like and work to fix it. Back in 2016, she had the gastric sleeve procedure. She also improved her eating habits and worked with a trainer who gives her encouragement and guidance.
Jovanna lost 82 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Jovanna lost 82 pounds by walking and adopting a low-carb lifestyle. Her goal was to focus on her health for the good of her family. Now she can be more active with her children and do things with them, like jumping on a trampoline.
Janea lost 35 pounds
Janea lost 35 pounds by focusing on fitness and nutrition. She gained 30 pounds after a challenging pregnancy and the loss of her grandfather. Tired of feeling lethargic and having constant headaches, she decided to try The Whole 30 plan.
Kendra lost 90 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Kendra lost 90 pounds. This mother of three always felt like “the big girl” in school. Over the years, she began to dislike the way she looked, and in 2019 she decided to change that. By showering herself with self-love, switching up her eating habits, and working out with her trainer, she has transformed.
Migeya lost 25 pounds
Migeya lost 25 pounds. This Zeta Phi Beta soror loves the way exercising and being more mobile makes her feel. In January, she started following the meal plan and workout plan her coach created for her and got good results. What was your motivation?My health and my family What inspired you to keep going, even […]
Monique lost 70 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Monique lost 70 pounds. After two years of emotional and spiritual depression following the death of her grandmother and the loss of her 4th child, she decided to take action to take back her life. With faith, fitness, and healthy eating habits, this 44-year-old dynamo is thriving.
Hawah lost 115 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Hawah lost 115 pounds naturally, and she’s maintained this achievement for more than five years. She changed her eating habits by following a guide for eating right for your blood type. In 2016, she decided to train for the Marines Marathon and now she has run over 100 half marathons.
Renee lost 49 pounds
Renee lost 49 pounds. This mother of four used intermittent fasting and exercise to transform. She was dealing with high blood pressure and pre-diabetes and realized she was neglecting her health. She truly committed to a lifestyle change.
Ashley lost 75 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Ashley lost 75 pounds with healthy eating habits and exercise. She simply wanted to be comfortable in her skin and wear the clothes she likes. Maintaining proper nutrition has been the biggest challenge she faced during her two year journey, but she put in the work and figured it out.