Her journey began after she had a stroke in 2019 and she has been committed to good nutrition and exercise ever since. She feels blessed to have a second chance at life.
weight loss motivation
Patrice lost 189.5 pounds
Her goals were to be healthier and feel more comfortable in her skin. She credits her trainer’s support and nutritional guidance as being key to her success.
Melissa lost 23 pounds
Her turning point came when she discovered that high blood sugar and inflammation were impacting her health. She reached out to an online weight loss coach who listened to her needs and gave her the guidance to succeed.
Janelle lost 77 pounds
Despite facing a number of challenges, including a toxic relationship, high cholesterol, hypertension, and a rare brain disease, she was determined to have the healthy and active lifestyle she always wanted.
Chrischon lost 44 pounds
Chrischon lost 44 pounds with healthier eating habits and exercise. Her family is her motivation. She is determined to build a healthy legacy for her four daughters.
Ashley lost 74 pounds
She simply wanted to be comfortable in her skin and wear the clothes she likes. Maintaining proper nutrition has been the biggest challenge she faced during her two year journey, but she put in the work and figured it out.
Katonya lost 47 pounds
Her weight loss journey began after her marriage ended and after she removed several negative people from her life. At the time, she also found out she had diabetes.
Keiasha’s weight loss story
Keiasha shared her weight loss story with us. She realized that the scale doesn’t always tell the whole story. By gaining muscle mass while losing body fat, she has transformed.
Taiye lost 112 pounds
After being diagnosed with stage 3 chronic kidney disease and knowing that she was at risk for stroke due to high blood pressure, she hired a personal trainer and took steps to reclaim her health.
Dynasty lost 18 pounds
This 52 year old reached out to an online coach after seeing the results he achieved with other black women. She got the support and guidance she needed to reach her goal of wearing a two-piece swimsuit.