Daily Weight Loss Success Story: April lost 91 pounds. She created her own weight loss plan by making practical changes when it came to eating clean and exercise. Find out more about her weight loss journey: “Hello, My name is April and I would like to share my weight loss story. The motivation behind my weight […]
weight loss journey
Chelsea lost 45 pounds
Featured Weight Loss Story: Chelsea lost 45 pounds. This petite college Junior started her weight loss journey in 2012 and is now 10 pounds away from her goal. Slow and steady wins the race!! Here is what she shared with us about her weight loss journey: “Hello, my name is Chelsea Watson. I am 21 […]
Nicole lost 27 pounds
Weight Loss Success Story of the Day: Nicole lost 27 pounds, going from a size 16 to a size 10. This petite diva says, “One pound is equal to 3500 calories – so remember whether you have lost 10 or 100 you’re still a success story!”…and we agree. Every pound should be celebrated and Nicole […]
Courtney lost 65 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Courtney lost 65 pounds. After going through a divorce and a toxic relationship, she was able to reclaim her life and losing weight was a part of that victory. She wrote in to tell us how she changed her life and lost the weight: “Hi, My name is Courtney. About […]
Janet lost 90 pounds
Today’s Weight Loss Success Story: Janet lost 90 pounds. She gives God all the glory. She wants us to know that getting healthy is a “process” and that she makes a conscious decision each day to stay on track with her goals. She shared with us the details of her journey. Check it out: “I’am […]
Toi lost 107 pounds with weight loss surgery
Let’s show some Black Women Losing Weight love to Toi. She lost 107 pounds with weight loss surgery. Read all about her weight loss journey and her decision to have surgery: “Hi, I just wanted to share my journey. My name is Toi Phillips and my weight has always been a issue. I decided to […]
Transformation: Jessica-Marie lost 50 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Jessica-Marie lost 50 pounds and has transformed her body. She is now training for her first bodybuilding competition. I’m so glad she shared her story and we also want to thank her for her service in the military! Read about what she did: “I’m from an athletic family. I started […]
Kelsey lost 71 pounds
Weight Loss Success Story of the Day: Kelsey lost 71 pounds. She changed her habits to become a healthier person and to avoid a family history of high blood pressure and diabetes. She wants to encourage you and let you know that losing weight is possible for YOU. Here is what she shared with us […]
Erica lost 60 pounds
Featured Weight Loss Success Story: Erica lost 60 pounds and is now Super Fit. After a terrible ankle injury, she was told by a doctor that her ability to exercise would be hindered and that motivated her to get fit and healthy. She is now inspiring others to do the same. Here is what she […]
Temica lost 58 pounds
Featured Weight Loss Story: Sigma Gamma Rho Soror Temica lost 58 pounds and helped her husband to lose 120 pounds as well. She found a weight loss plan that worked for her, embraced healthy eating and worked out! I see you, Soror! Here is what she shared with us about her journey: “My name is […]