Shamika lost 49 pounds. She has a very physically demanding job in construction. Her motivation to lose weight came from getting out of breath and feeling like she was slowing down at work. She got results by exercising and adopting a Keto lifestyle.
Ebony lost 29 pounds
Ebony lost 29 pounds with healthy eating habits and exercise. She experienced weight gain after losing her job due to the pandemic. By joining an online transformation challenge, she found the support and information she needed to get results.
Danielle lost 87 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Danielle lost 62 pounds. She also fought a winning battle against depression and anxiety that was giving her some terrifying thoughts. Becoming a pescatarian and putting in lots of hours in the gym was vital, but changing her mindset was the most significant change she made. Check out her story.
Dominique lost 42 pounds
Dominique lost 42 pounds this year. She was tired of starting over and never sticking with a plan. This time, she committed to healthy eating habits and worked with a trainer for extra motivation.
Corine lost 150 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Corine lost 150 pounds with faith, healthy food, and exercise. This was not a quick, overnight transformation. It was years in the making, but she didn’t give up. During her journey, she became a personal trainer and Xtreme hip hop instructor.
Erika lost 90 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Erika lost 44 pounds. Uncontolled asthma, aches and pains led her to pursue a true lifestyle change. She transformed her eating habits and made exercise a priority.
Tiffany lost 74 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Tiffany lost 74 pounds with healthy food and exercise. Her motivation came from not feeling comfortable in her own body. After she was diagnosed with diabetes, she began to make major changes to the way she eats.
Kathleen lost 20 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Kathleen lost 20 pounds by practicing intermittent fasting, juicing, and lifting heavy. She is determined to be the best version of herself and give herself more; more self-love, peace, and happiness.
Alexis lost 38 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Alexis lost 38 pounds. After splitting up with her former fiancé, she decided to pour into herself by completing her Master’s degree and adopting a healthier lifestyle. Intermittent fasting and walking 2-3 miles a day is working for her.
Alicia lost 63 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Alicia lost 63 pounds with exercise and good nutrition. She restarted her weight loss journey in 2019 after giving birth to her baby girl. 3 C-Sections, Postpartum Depression, and the challenges of motherhood didn’t stop her from transforming her body and her lifestyle.