After her mom fell ill and ultimately passed away due to colon cancer, she found the motivation to focus on her health. She made fitness a top priority and committed to the Keto, staying under 20 grams of carbs per day.After her mom fell ill and ultimately passed away due to colon cancer, she found the motivation to focus on her health. She made fitness a top priority and committed to the Keto, staying under 20 grams of carbs per day.
stationary bike
Corlette lost 89 pounds
Weight Loss Story: Corlette lost 89 pounds. Wanting to avoid a family history of diabetes, she changed life by changing her eating habits and exercising regularly. Check out what she shared with us. My motivation for losing weight is my family’s history of diabetes. Also, watching my peers at their ideal weight has inspired me to lose […]
Updated: Marnita lost 174 pounds
Update March 2018: Shout out to Marnita for being featured by Prevention Magazine again. Check out the article: 8 Real Women Reveal How They Lost 50+ Pounds Update Dec 2016 Congrats go out to Marnita! Her story was recently featured in the Dec 2016 issue of prevention magazine. (Check out how she lost the weight. More info […]
Terri lost 58 pounds
Today’s featured weight loss success story: Terri lost 58 pounds. This petite 5’2″ sista was able to improve her health after being diagnosed with kidney disease with the help of a supportive Facebook community. She committed herself to wellness and weight loss! Here is what she shared with us about her journey: “Hello, I’m Terri Little, […]