Today’s featured weight loss before and after: My Sigma Gamma Rho soror Shelby lost 100 pounds with a low carb lifestyle and consistent exercise. Here is what she shared with us: Ladies, I just wanted to take a moment to tell you all how inspiring you all are to me and to share my story! […]
sigma gamma rho
Lisa lost 59 pounds
Today’s featured before and after: My Sigma Gamma Rho soror Lisa lost 59 pounds with the help of Weight Watchers, changing her eating habits and working out. Here is what she had to share: Firstly, I enjoy your Facebook and webpage. I too am on a weight loss journey that as of today has allowed […]
Halima lost 85 pounds
Today’s weight loss success story: My Sigma Gamma Rho soror Halima has lost over 85 pounds. She is FIT!! “I thought would post my “Then and Now”. I’ve lost over 85lbs and my quest to become better “fit” is still in progress. I did not get here by any QUICK fixes or weight loss […]
Maretta lost 82 pounds
Today’s weight loss success story: My Sigma Gamma Rho soror Maretta lost 82 pounds! Check out the awesome video of her transformation below. “I’ve lost 82 lbs… My diet still needs work but I’ve been watching my portion sizes. The biggest thing that has helped me is persistence. I go to the gym every day […]
My Sigma Gamma Rho Soror Charlene lost 50 pounds
Today’s weight loss success story: My Sigma Gamma Rho soror Charlene is today’s featured success story. She lost 50 pounds with Weight Watchers. Here is her story: I have never been skinny, but about a year ago I started to think about how lucky I am in terms of my health in relation to my […]