Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Patrice lost 103 pounds. After dealing with pain and depression that she faced due to the loss of a child and sexual violence in her past, this strong mom has risen up and changed her life. We are so happy that she shared her story with us… I started out at […]
8 Ways to Fight Sugar Cravings
Sugar addiction is a very real problem that many people experience. If you eat the typical American diet filled with processed foods it is very likely that you have a problem with sugar. You may not realize it but think about what happens when you go without sweet foods, sweet drinks or sweeteners for a […]
Ashley lost 123 pounds with surgery
Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Ashley lost 123 pounds with weight loss surgery. At 341 pounds, she decided that it was time to change her life and opted for gastric sleeve surgery. Here is what she shared with us about her journey. Hello, I wanted to share my weight loss journey. My name is […]
6 Top Vegetarian Sources of Protein
Protein is an incredibly important aspect of a healthy diet. Many people get their daily protein needs met with meat but for vegetarians and vegans it can be difficult to get enough if you don’t realize that you can get enough protein from a variety of plant-based sources. Protein is the nutrient responsible for many body […]
Is Soy Really Bad For You?
People have been eating products the come from soy beans, like soy milk and tofu for hundreds of years. That’s why it’s amazing to me that soy just may be one of the most controversial health foods in the world right now. Soy and products containing soy have become very popular in the US and […]
Morgan lost 53 pounds
Weight Loss Transformation: Morgan lost 53 pounds. She was inspired by her mother’s weight loss success and wanting to walk across the stage at her graduation more fit and healthier. Here is what she shared with us about how she did it… My name is Morgan Donathan. I am s 26 year old from Nassau, […]
Q&A: Plant Based Eating Twitter Chat with Tracye McQuirter, MPH
Giveaway!!! – We gave away a signed copy of “By Any Greens Necessary” courtesy of Tracye McQuirter! Book Winner: Nikki Williams Thank you to everyone who entered the giveaway! April Twitter Chat Q&A: On April 16th we hosted a Plant-based Eating Chat on Twitter (hashtag: #BWLW – @blackweightloss) with Special Guest Tracye McQuirter, MPH, Best-Selling Author […]
Natalie lost 50 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Natalie lost 50 pounds. Her wakeup call was being diagnosed with diabetes. She shared her before and after photos and some info on how she changed her lifestyle… My name is Natalie Burns. In 2013, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and I decided that it was time […]
Simple Formula for Fat Loss: Protein, Carbs and Fiber
Three major factors in a healthy diet are protein, carbs and fiber. People tend to be so focused on low fat, low carb or low sugar that they forget about these other very important components. Protein, carbs and fiber all affect weight loss and by understanding them can help you to make better food choices […]
What Are The Best Foods and Drinks to Have Before You Workout?
Working out on an empty stomach can cause unneeded stress on your body but it also zaps your energy, preventing you from getting as successful of a workout as possible. Having a pre-workout meal that gives you the energy you need will help you achieve your fitness goals more quickly and ensure that your body […]