View this post on Instagram A post shared by 💙💚JLovely💚💙 YouTuber (@lovelifeandmusiq2) on Aug 26, 2019 at 10:42am PDT Transformation of the Day: Jareda lost 94 pounds. She is confident, stylish and never had a problem with her weight, until she found out that she had prediabetes and high blood pressure. Gastric Sleeve surgery, MyFitnessPal […]
Angelique lost 50 pounds
Let’s show some BWLW love to Angelique who lost 50 pounds. This 5’1″ wife and mom was able to improve her health and weight by changing her eating habits, using MyFitnessPal and exercising with workout DVDs. Here is what she shared with us about her journey: My name is Angelique and I am a mother […]