Transformation of the Day: Lagacia lost 58 pounds. She is no stranger to the ups and downs of releasing the weight. This time, she decided that she didn’t want her journey to be miserable. She shared with us the powerful rules and tools she used to achieve lasting success. Check out her story. Starting date […]
my fitness pal
Loretha lost 87 pounds
Update March 9, 2018: Congrats to Loretha! She’s lost 16 more pounds since December.“I just wanted to share my update. As of today, I’ve lost a total of 103 pounds. I have been on my weight loss journey for a whole year now.” Transformation of the Day: Loretha lost 87 pounds. This Alabama mom’s motivation is […]
Tamara lost 50 pounds
Tranformation of the Day: Tamara lost 50 pounds. She used to avoid full body photos, but no more. After a pre-diabetes diagnosis, she realized that along with regular exercise she had to change her eating habits to truly make progress. Check out her journey. What was your motivation? To be honest, my motivation was two-fold. […]
Tameka lost 53 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Tameka lost 53 pounds. She was motivated to live a healthier lifestyle when she began to worry about her own mortality. A hypothyroidism diagnosis also added to her concerns. Working out at home, Weight Watchers, My Fitness Pal and the Green Smoothie Cleanse were all factors that contributed to her success. Check […]
Lee lost 156 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Lee lost 156 pounds. She began her journey in Sept 2015 after a wake up call on a doctor’s office scale. She cut out fast food, started counting calories, ate lots of veggies and commited to fitness. Her hard work has really paid off. Check out her story. My name is […]
Crystal lost 66 pounds
S W I P E • It’s my 4 year vege-versary! On 8/1/13, I set out to try a vegetarian diet for 8 weeks and I never looked back. As someone with asthma, joint pain, and a myriad of other health issues, I couldn’t be happier. Not only do I look better, but I truly […]
Brittany lost 69 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Brittany lost 69 pounds. This young lady’s motivation was realizing that she was too close for comfort to weighing 300 pounds. It was time to change her lifestyle to get the results she’d been seeking for years. Portion control and finding time for exercise were 2 major factors in her success. Check […]
Twyler lost 182 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Twyler lost 182 pounds. Over the course of 15 years, she’s gone from a size 30 to a size 12. This mom’s heartfelt story reflects the real ups and downs of weight release. It took time and effort to figure out what worked for her, but ultimately she did not give up. […]
Akia lost 64 pounds
Weight Loss Story: Akia lost 64 pounds. Taking action by doing things like running and using My Fitness Pal has helped her to release the weight. Her best friend Kinnon got the answers to our interview questions and sent in her story. I love it when friends celebrate each other. My best friend Akia’s motivation for losing […]
Ngozi lost 126 pounds
View this post on Instagram 9 years ago vs 2 weeks ago
This popped up on my fb and was a nice reminder on an emotional Monday morning. I’ve been feeling overwhelmed with life lately and a few things aren’t as I’d like them to be. Sometimes you need to take […]