Transformation of the Day: Monique lost 41 pounds. She started gaining weight in her 30s. Having decided that she didn’t want to face the unhealthy side effects of carrying a lot of excess weight, she started her transformation in 2014 with help of a great coach. Despite some ups and downs over the years, she […]
low sodium
Charmaine lost over 170 pounds
Update: – Shout out to Charmaine! Check her out on the Dr. Oz show today sharing her story. She’s lost over 220 pounds. @blackweightloss Thank you again for featuring me last July. As a result, I will be sharing my journey on @DrOz tmw. Hope you watch 🙂 — Charmaine Langford (@NubianReddHead) July 13, 2016 I […]
Sherri lost 70 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Sherri lost 70 pounds. This mom of two gained more than 100 pounds during the span of her pregnancies. After being hospitalized and having surgery for Congestive Heart Failure, she took action to change her life. Here is what she shared with us about losing the weight. This journey has not been […]
Diet Plan Review: Can the Dash Diet Help Lower Blood Pressure?
What is the DASH diet? The DASH diet is making waves as more people are discovering that it can help them reach their weight loss goals fast. The diet was designed to help those with hypertension achieve a lower blood pressure rate within two weeks. From there, the diet can also help to manage blood […]
Weight Loss on a Budget Tip #5: Pick Cheaper Cuts of Meat
Hi Ladies, Here is your Weight Loss on a Budget Tip for Day 5 of our Oct Challenge: Pick Cheaper Cuts of Meat! Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Does cheaper mean that I’m choosing lesser quality meats?”. No. I doesn’t have to mean that. You just have to know what you are looking for […]