Shanti lost 60 pounds. Depressed and tired of the yo-yo cycle of the weight loss roller coaster, she decided to use the pandemic as an opportunity to focus on herself and her health. By changing her mindset, working out, and cutting out unhealthy food, she has transformed.
low carb
Ricka lost 87 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Ricka lost 87 pounds. She decided it was time to reclaim her health. When she started her journey, she had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and a stomach tumor.
DeAnna lost 131 pounds
DeAnna lost 131 pounds. She was tired of living the same way, eating the same food, not wearing clothes she loved, and not having energy. Determined to take control, she had VSG weight loss surgery. After surgery, she adopted new habits and focused on being her best self.
Jessica lost 110 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Jessica lost 110 pounds. After three pregnancies, she developed diastasis recti. Doctors told her they couldn’t operate on her to correct the condition due to her weight. Determined never to hear those words again, she adopted the Keto lifestyle and worked out consistently.
Tangela lost 73 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Tangela lost 73 pounds. In the past, she always tied her weight loss efforts to events, like birthdays, vacations, or weddings, but this time was different. This proud Alpha Kappa Alpha Soror realized that this journey is an ongoing learning process. She figured out what healthy habits work for her and reached out to friends and family for support.
Faith lost 37 pounds
Faith lost 37 pounds. She was tired of the cycle of dieting, feeling deprived, and regaining weight. A friend’s book suggestion led to her making intermittent fasting part of her daily routine. She also worked out at home as exercise is key to her mental wellbeing.
Jamie lost 100 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Jamie lost 100 pounds. Back in 2019, she experienced two very traumatic events that served as the catalyst for her transformation journey. To change her life, she had to investigate and change not only her eating and exercise habits, but also her mindset and thought life. Intermittent fasting and keto meals are part of this 57 year old’s healthy routine.
Chigozie lost 90 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Chigozie lost 90 pounds. She’s a doctor, a wife, and a mom. Working in a toxic work environment, having three children in less than two years, and dealing with the pressures of the pandemic all took their toll on her and the pounds piled on. Determined to regain her confidence and her health, she committed to changing her eating and exercise habits for good.
Chloe lost 71 pounds
Chloe lost 71 pounds. For exercise, she started walking at home on her treadmill and worked her way up to running. She also changed her eating habits, cycling between vegan meals and low carb, high protein meals.
Shamika lost 49 pounds
Shamika lost 49 pounds. She has a very physically demanding job in construction. Her motivation to lose weight came from getting out of breath and feeling like she was slowing down at work. She got results by exercising and adopting a Keto lifestyle.