Remember why you started. Remember where you came from. Think about where you could be if you keep going. Never give up! Giving up is easy! Remember this is a lifestyle change and there are no quick fixes! Yes you will fall off (trust me I have plenty of times lol) but it’s all about […]
losing weight
Monique lost 82 pounds
Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Monique lost 82 pounds. She began her lifestyle transition as a way to recover and heal from a very abusive marriage. Working out allowed her to process her anger and frustration. Eating right allowed her to overcome sugar addiction. Now, she is becoming an avid runner and continuing on her weight release […]
Jamila lost 104 pounds
Went swimming this morning and put on a “size 14” bathing suit…..ohhhhhh wooooow really???? Like I used to wear a “size 28”, doesn’t matter how many times you slip, you just gotta keep on pushing. #healthythickchick #thickfit #thickthighs #fitness #inglewood #weightloss A photo posted by Jamila:translated ( Beautiful) (@healthythickchick) on Aug 10, 2016 at 12:04pm […]
Jessica lost 26 pounds in 3 months
Weight Loss Story: Jessica lost 26 pounds in 3 months. This proud soldier and mom dealt depression and the trials that come with divorce, which contributed to her weight gain. After a photo wake up call, she changed her daily habits and wants others to know that ” it’s never to late to late to […]
Quita lost 99 pounds
Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Quita lost 99 pounds. This mom was determined to make sure that obesity and weight-related illness would not be a cycle for her family. She made straight forward changes to her eating habits and worked out regularly to lose the pounds. Check out her story. I wanted to share […]
Winter lost 65 pounds
Update: Winter wrote in to share that she’s lost 28 more pounds since we featured her story last year for a total of 93 lbs. She has yet to gain any of the weight back due to hard work and consistency. Check out her update. It has now been a little over 2 years since […]
Elisha lost 125 pounds with weight loss surgery
Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Elisha lost 125 pounds with weight loss surgery. After being molested as a child she used food for comfort and weight as a shield of protection. Later, she would be diagnosed with stomach cancer. Despite all of this, she found the power to change her life to be healthier […]
Elaina lost 57 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Elaina lost 57 pounds. This mom was inspired to live a happier and healthier life for her kids. She realized that the weight was affecting not just her closet and energy levels, but also leading her closer to a family history of obesity and diabetes. She shared with us how she […]
Candace lost 67 pounds
Weight Loss Story: Candace lost 67 pounds. She was inspired by the success stories of others and found a weight loss plan that works for her. Portion control, eating right and working out at home have allowed her to transform her life. Here is what she shared with us about her journey… Hi, my name […]
Tiara lost 44 pounds
Update Feb 2016 – Tiara lost 8 more pounds for a total of 56 pounds gone. She has decided to go forward focusing on not just the number on the scale, but on being happy and healthy. “I’m not losing pounds, but I am losing a lot of inches. This weight loss journey has not been […]