Let’s show some Black Women Losing Weight Love to Kelly on her 40 pound weight loss. I love that she says the her eating ideology is, “Eat for what I am about to do..not for what I’ve already done”. Here is what she wrote us to say: I’m Kelly B. of Philadelphia PA. I am 47 […]
losing weight
Tiana lost over 100 pounds
Today’s featured before and after weight loss story: Tiana lost over 100 pounds by watching her portion sizes and regular exercise over the course of 2 years. Here is what she had to say: Hard work really does pay off. My fitness journey has been a very hard road to stay on, but when you […]
Teresa lost 50 pounds
Let’s show some Black Women Losing Weight Love to Teresa who has lost 50 pounds. She recently ran her first 5k and is a Black Girls Run member. Here is what she had to say: Just wanted to share. The pic on the left is 2 1/2 years ago. The pic on the right is […]
Tiffany lost 109 pounds
Weight Loss Story Update Mar 2014: Tiffany wrote in to let us know that she has lost an additional 20 pounds. That brings her to a total of 129 pounds down. “Hello, I have made it from having lost 186 pounds when my story was posted originally to now weighing 166 pounds! Still trying to […]
Kathleen lost 80 pounds
Update from Kathleen (Jan 2014): “So, I am now down 107 pounds with 40 more to go. Here are some updated photos.” Original Post: Tonight, we’re showing some BWLW love to Kathleen on her 80 pound weight loss. She graduates from college this month and she can now fit both legs in one of her […]
Tryphena lost 87 pounds
Today’s featured weight loss success story: Proud mom Tryphena lost 87 pounds over the last 3 years with diet changes and consistent exercise. “Hello, My name is Tryphena and I am a 32 year old mother of 1 son. I had my son in June of 2009 and the before photo below was taken in […]
Sherese and Petra lost the weight together
Check out this great story of 2 friends losing weight together. Sherese and Petra partnered for greater fitness and health. Petra wrote to tell us about their journey. We featured her weight loss story back in March. “I wanted to submit this timeline photo of me and my accountability partner Sherese. Too often, women want […]
Pam lost 49 pounds
Today’s featured weight loss success story: Pam lost 49 pounds with clean eating, juicing and exercise. Here is what she shared with us: “I’ve battled with my weight for a few years. I finally decided to take charge. I changed my eating to clean eating and I also incorporated juicing. Then, I decided to start […]
Candace lost 103 pounds
Today’s featured weight loss success story: Candace lost 103 pounds over the course of a year with the help of a personal trainer. She was preparing to enter the U.S Army. We applaud her and wish her health and safety. “I lost 103 pounds to get accepted into the U.S. army. I’ve been eating right and exercising […]
Nijah lost 50 pounds
Today’s featured weight loss success story: Nijah lost 50 pounds over 15 months, and says she did it without “dieting”. She focused on creating a healthy lifestyle. Here is what she has to say about her transformation. “If anyone thinks that losing weight CAN’T be done without dieting, then look at ME!!! On the left […]