Update Aug 2018: I would like to give an update on my journey. I’m still maintaining my loss of 104 pounds by eating clean and doing lots of cardio. It gets rough, but I love the results that this lifestyle gives! I want to encourage those who are struggling with weight loss to Never Ever […]
losing pounds
Tassia lost 40 pounds
Tassia lost 40 pounds. She faced some serious trials and tribulations during her pregnancy, including a break up, chest pains and anxiety. She turned her life around with healthy food choices and regular exercises. Check out her story. At the age of 26, I was overweight and facing health issues. After having my son Kaelem, I […]
Cecilia lost 84 pounds
Update: Shout out to Cecilia! She’s lost 112 pounds. 302 lbs to 190 lbs. #TBT #myfacetho #bodyunderconstruction #workoutsaremytherapy #naturalweightlossresults #weightlossvictories #mystory #110poundsgone #maintenance #Max4Life #weightlosstransformation #strikeapose #weightloss #healthier #locs #loveurself A post shared by cc_4bodyunderconstruction (@cc_4bodyunderconstruction) on Mar 9, 2017 at 11:14am PST Transformation of the Day: Cecilia lost 84 pounds. This busy mom of […]
Nelly lost over 90 pounds
Update Feb 2019: We have been following Nelly’s journey since March 2016 and we love watching her progress. She still going STRONG and recently posted this photo in our FB group. @phatt_2fit Transformation of the Day: Nelly lost over 90 pounds. This mom of four was tired of trying and failing. She knew that she had to […]
Cherlette lost 113 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Cherlette lost 113 pounds. She had weight loss surgery 2 years ago due to a number of serious medical issues, but it was not a quick fix. She had to learn portion control, exercise regularly and stay focused on why she lost the weight in the first place. Check out what she […]
Chelsye lost 40 pounds
I am 53 lbs down. I am 7 lbs away from my ultimate goal. Let me tell you this has truly been a journey for me. I thank God for the grace to wake up everyday to keep pressing towards my goals. This journey that I am still on is still not easy . temptation […]
Tasha lost 165 pounds
View this post on Instagram Moving in Silence. #weightlossjourney #weightloss #weightlossjourney #transformationtuesday #pcos #pcosweightloss #keto #ketosis #ketogenicdiet #extremeweightloss #naturalweightloss A post shared by Tasha (@hellohealthy87) on May 29, 2018 at 4:41pm PDT Update: This PCOS warriror has lost 165 pounds total. “Never give up on yourself” You don’t have to be great to start, you […]
Corlette lost 89 pounds
Weight Loss Story: Corlette lost 89 pounds. Wanting to avoid a family history of diabetes, she changed life by changing her eating habits and exercising regularly. Check out what she shared with us. My motivation for losing weight is my family’s history of diabetes. Also, watching my peers at their ideal weight has inspired me to lose […]
Claudia lost 60 pounds
The struggle is REAL! 40 more pounds to go! slow process but Here’s to progress! #great_weightloss_inspirations Still #great_weightloss_inspirations #Phat #progress !!!
#weightlossjourney #weightloss #progress #BeforeAndAfter #bbw #phatgirl #down #fckbeingFAT #stillpushing #bbw #weightlossjourney #losingweight #lestruggle #onedayatatime #lol #mylife #sunday #thestruggleisreal #thestruggle @blackwomenlosingweight #blackwomenlosingweightPhat #struggleisreal #monday #fatgirl #fattofit #transformationtuesday #transformation A post shared by @claudaya on […]
CeCe lost 82 pounds
Transformation of the Day: CeCe lost 82 pounds. Despite dealing with high blood pressure and polycystic ovary syndrome, she was determined to change her lifestyle and lose the pounds. She shared with us about the actions she took. Over the past few years, I decided that I wanted to make a lifestyle change. It seemed as […]