Weight Loss Story of the Day: Asjane’ lost 30 pounds. This young lady made a commitment to herself and did the work to change her lifestyle and reach her weight loss goal. Here is what she shared with us… When I was younger I was always picked on because of my weight and for having […]
lose pounds
Jessica lost 75 pounds
Update: Shout out to Jessica! She lost a total of 100 before her most recent pregnancy. This mom of 2 is 7 months postpartum and getting back to her pre-baby weight. #motivationmonday You can look at a million transformation photos like this one☝🏽 You can look at a thousand healthy food photos , you can […]
Join our January Jumpstart DietBet Today!
As part of our January 2015 Challenge we are hosting a Diet Bet! www.dietbet.com/bwlw What is DietBet? DietBet is the social dieting game that lets you win money while losing weight together. Bet $35 Lose 4% in 28 Days Split The Pot You’ve got 4 weeks to lose 4% of your starting weight. To begin, […]
Shaunte lost 40 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Shaunte lost 40 pounds. This proud mom of 2 wants to live a long life to be around for her children, so she embraced clean eating and started working out at home. Read more about her journey… What was your motivation? My motivation and inspiration comes from my children. […]
Alfreda lost 55 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Alfreda lost 55 pounds. After a photo wake up call (So many of us can relate to) she decided to clean up her eating habits and get moving. Here is what she shared about her weight loss journey… My name is Alfreda Barnes-Pittman and my motivation and inspiration came […]
Marcee lost 64 pounds
Weight Loss Success Story of the Day: Marcee lost 64 pounds. This petite mom walked away the pounds and changed her eating habits all at her own pace. She lost the weigh over the course of two years and knows that slow and steady wins the race. What was your motivation? My motivation was my […]
Jessica lost 88 pounds
The only differences between these two pictures are time and decisions. The picture on the left was January 1, 2012. A few months later, I had a blood pressure scare that made me realize I needed this journey for my health, not simply a dress size or a number on a scale. Fast forward to […]
Lena lost 40 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Lena lost 40 pounds. This proud and petite mom found her motivation to lose weight and get healthy. She’s been so successful that now she helps others reach their goals too. Here is what she shared with us… My name is Lena and I am the mother of a […]
Brianna lost 120 pounds
Weight Loss Success Story of the Day: Brianna lost 120 pounds. She made simple changes to her eating habits and embraced regular exercise to see major weight loss. She shared how she did it… I started my journey in May 2013. Here I am, a year and 7 months later and 120 pounds later. If anyone […]
Renee lost 49 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Renee lost 49 pounds. She is one of our favorite BWLW Instagramers who participate in our photo accountability challenges. She did the work to get off of high blood pressure medication and improve her health. Here is what she shared with us about her journey so far… My motivation […]