Transformation of the Day: Megan lost 90 pounds. After she began to experience health issues in her twenties, she knew that it was time to focus on becoming the healthiest version of herself. She worked out at home, found healthier options for the foods she loved, and developed the discipline necessary to reach her goals.
lose 90 pounds
Kimberly lost 98 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Kimberly lost 98 pounds. Her turning point came when she could not qualify as a kidney donor for her mom due to her weight. She has transformed by focusing on nutrition, practicing intermittent fasting, and working out six days a week.
Rhonda lost 90 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Rhonda lost 90 pounds. She began her weight release journey as a pre-teen and over the years her weight went up and down. Eventually, this Delta Sigma Theta soror figured out that by putting God first, eating healthy food and focusing on fitness she could break the cycle of losing and […]
Cyndy lost 94 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Cyndy lost 94 pounds. After this mother of 5 had her tubes tied, she decided to embark on a health and fitness journey. Doing cardio, eating smaller portion sizes and cutting out soda are some of the ways that she put in the work to release the weight. Check out her […]
Kenya lost 97 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Kenya lost 97 pounds. This Alpha Kappa Soror lived up to her affirmation of #allthingsnewat42 this year. After battling the pounds for her entire adult life, a combination of the gastric sleeve, a personal trainer, therapy, determination and healthy eating habits has transformed not only her body, but her whole life. Check […]
LaShayla lost 98 pounds
Transformation of the Day: LaShayla lost 98 pounds. She was tired of being overweight and tired of not putting herself first. She shared with us about her two year journey and how she used healthy eating habits, intermittent fasting and lots of exercise to release the weight. She is proof that hard work pays off. […]
Danni lost 92 pounds
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Losing a child for being overweight was a huge wake up call. That type of pain I don’t wish on anyone. I picked myself up, got myself together and been on and about my grind since! I been through it all for […]
Ileka lost 97 pounds
Update: Shout out to Ileka. She’s down 120 pounds. A post shared by Life Health Now Ileka (@thisislifehealthnow) on Apr 17, 2018 at 1:40pm PDT Transformation of the Day: Ileka lost 97 pounds. This proud mom of 4 wanted to have more energy and model healthy eating habits for her children. She hit the gym […]
Brakia lost 90 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Brakia lost 90 pounds. At the age of 16, she had been picked on and treated so badly that she was almost on the verge of suicide. With strength, dedication and healthy habits, she transformed her body and her mindset over the course of 5+ years. Check out her awesome story. What was […]
Dayjelle lost 94 pounds
Update January 2018: Dayjelle wrote in and shared with us how she’s maintained her success with clean, flexible plant based eating and strength training. How have you maintained your weight loss/continued to lose weight? I maintained my weight loss by continuing with strength training. I gained a lot of muscle over the years, which makes […]