Transformation of the Day: Tasheenia lost 172 pounds. Tired of being labeled as morbidly obese, she chose surgery, and committed to daily exercise and healthy food choices. She went from 381lbs to 209lbs and is still on a mission. Check out her journey. What was your motivation? What kept you going when you wanted to give […]
lose 150 pounds
Matteel lost 150 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Matteel lost 150 pounds. Her motivation was a desire to avoid health issues that affected her family line. She was able to lose 82 lbs on her own a few years ago, but gained some of the weight back and reached a plateau. This year, she busted through that plateau with […]
Lillian lost 150 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Lillian lost 150 pounds. This 51 year old mom of two decided to give it her all. She made a committment to working out regularly and discovered a love for running. Check out what she shared with us about releasing the weight. My name is Lillian Wheat. I’m a 51 year […]
Beatrice lost 170 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Beatrice lost 170 pounds. Our sister from Montreal had been denied access to amusement park rides and arena seats due to her weight. She was also suffering from chronic hip pain and walking with a cane at 28 years old. Check out how she took action. What was your motivation? My health […]
Lee lost 156 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Lee lost 156 pounds. She began her journey in Sept 2015 after a wake up call on a doctor’s office scale. She cut out fast food, started counting calories, ate lots of veggies and commited to fitness. Her hard work has really paid off. Check out her story. My name is […]
LaKeysha lost 152 pounds
Transformation of the Day: LaKeysha lost 152 pounds. After struggling with her weight for years, she decided that it was time to make her health and wellness a priority. She was tired of paying more for clothes she didn’t like and not riding rides at amusement parks. She was tired of being tired. Check out how she […]
Quesha lost 156 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Quesha lost 156 pounds. She’s struggled with her weight since she was 11 years old. Her turning point came when she started to have trouble breathing at 289 lbs. Check out how she released the weight by working out at home and changing her eating habits. I’m from a small town […]
Yolanda lost 163 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Yolanda lost 163 pounds. At 450 pounds, she was diagnosed with diabetes and hypertension. She knew the impact that those illnesses could have after losing her mother who battled with kidney failure. Check out her transformation story. She shared the ups and downs of her journey, and how she figured out […]
Elizabeth lost over 150 pounds
I haven’t done a transformation Thursday in a while… A post shared by Elizabeth Rock (@lizzy_rockz) on Jun 21, 2018 at 4:41pm PDT Transformation of the Day: Elizabeth lost over 150 pounds. The passing of her grandmother woke her up and made her focus on her health. Following a strict low carb plan and finding […]
Natasha lost 180 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Natasha lost 180 pounds with gastric bypass surgery and hard work. She had to change her eating habits and workout 4-6 days a week for these great results. An unhealthy relationship led to lot of emotional eating, binge eating, high blood pressure and weight gain. Check out what she shared with us […]