Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Sharda lost 102 pounds. After a serious wake up call at the doctor’s office she took action by seeking help, changing her eating habits and exercising regularly. She shared with us all about how she did it… One day, I became ill and decided to get a check up. My […]
lose 100 pounds
Rhonda lost 110 pounds
Weight Loss Story of the Day: Rhonda lost 110 pounds. She lost the 55 pounds she gained during pregnancy and an additional 55 pounds on top of that. Her story should serve as inspiration to anyone who wants to lose lingering baby weight. Here is what she shared with us… Hi, My name is Rhonda Jackson. […]
Aleya lost 100 pounds
Weight Loss Transformation Story: Aleya lost 100 pounds. This proud mom of two went looking for answers on how to feel better and healthier, which led to her weight loss journey. She had support of her husband, loved ones and friends, as well as her faith to inspire her. Here is what she shared with us. […]
Audra lost 140 pounds
Update July 2016 – Audra is still going strong and has lost 30 more pounds for a total of 170 pounds released. Instagram: @livingvictorious1 Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Audra lost 140 pounds and she’s kept the weight off for 8 years. She was kind enough to tell with us how she released the […]
Tanika lost 120 pounds
Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Tanika lost 120 pounds. This proud mom wanted to live a long, healthy life and be more active with her daughter. Here is what she shared with us about her journey… Hello, my name is Tanika. I am a 30 year old single mother of a 10 year old, beautiful […]
Sharonda lost 108 pounds
Update 2016 – Sharonda wrote in to share that she’s lost 37 pounds more, for a total of 145 pounds gone in 2 years. Faith, commitment and consistency have been major factors in her success. Read her update and what she shared with us back in 2015. Update: On this day 2 years ago, on a Monday morning before […]
Aundrea lost 106 pounds
Update Nov 2015 – Aundrea has lost 13 more pounds since April for a total of 119 pounds gone. “I was featured back in April and thought that I would send you an update. I have lost another 10 lbs and my current weight is 172 pounds. Also, I am a vegan now. My goal is […]
Stormy lost 105 pounds
Update Jan 2016: Stormy lost 21 more pounds for a total of 126 pounds gone. Read what she recently shared on Instagram and what she shared with us back in April about how she lost the weight. “Sometimes I get really bogged down when my progress slows down. Starting graduate school last semester forced me […]
Tara lost 116 pounds
Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Tara lost 116 pounds. After being diagnosed with high blood pressure in her twenties, she was determined to beat obesity and change her lifestyle for greater wellness. Here is what she shared with us… About 4 years ago, I was morbidly obese and full of excuses. I lived for […]
Charnice lost 120 pounds
Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Charnice lost 120 pounds. Her friend JJ asked her about her journey and submitted her photos saying: “This is a school friend of mine. She has come along way and I would like to give her some recognition. I’m proud of her for having the get up and go and […]