Transformation of the Day: Candice lost 135 pounds. The pounds started to pile on during her college years and the methods she tried to lose weight didn’t bring lasting results. She found the help she needed while working with a trainer who provided direction and accountability. Check out what she shared about her journey. Hi, My name is Candice. […]
lose 100 pounds
Robyn lost 170 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Robyn lost 170 pounds. At 25 years old, her weight reached 500 pounds and she questioned whether she would reach her 30th birthday. Now it’s 5 years later, her 30th is approaching and she’s walking into this birthday healthier and happier. Here is what she shared with us. My name is Robyn and […]
Gwendolyn lost 119 pounds
Update Nov 2017: Gwendolyn has keep the weight off. It’s been 2 years since she started her journey on March 31,2015. To maintain her weight loss, she exercises 3 times a week on the treadmill. Eating healthy and low carb has also been a big part of her maintance plan. No bread, no fast food and no […]
Alisha lost 138 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Alisha lost 138 pounds. This survivor works to change the lives of homeless Veterans at her day job. She wanted to share with us how her decision to have weight loss surgery saved her life by helping her doctors find a serious, life threatening condition. Check out her awesome story. I wanted to share my […]
Marlo lost 100 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Marlo lost 100 pounds. Weight loss surgery did not work for this proud mom long term. In fact, she faced life threatening complications. After she recovered from that ordeal, she went cold turkey with her eating habits, started drinking green smoothies and exercised regularly. Check out what she shared with us about […]
Shamara lost 122 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Shamara lost 122 pounds. After a disappointing wake up call she knew that it was time to change. She told us, “I finally stopped living in fear of dying and decided to live until I died.” She lost the weight and has kept to off for over a year. Read her […]
Latoya lost 141 pounds
Update: Latoya has lost 7 more pounds for a total of 148 lbs. gone. People Magazine featured her in their 2017 Half Their Size Issue. She also has a new Instagram: @lyclcc Follow my new page @lyclcc @lyclcc @lyclcc …….#eatclean #Transformation #FatLoss #beforeandafter #NoExcuses #Bbg #Curves #WorkOut #FitFam #FitSpo #Fit #Gym #GymLife #Goals #CleanEating #EatClean #Motivation […]
Kilolo lost 100 pounds
Weight Loss Journey: Kilolo lost 100 pounds. Like many other moms out there, she gained weight over the course of several years and several pregnancies. Here is what she shared with us about how she lost the weight. My name is Kilolo R. I weighted 200 lbs after my first child. By the time I […]
Kashina lost 105 pounds
Update Feb 2019: I wanted to give an update on my progress. It’s been nearly three more years and I am still holding things down. I’ve competed in several CrossFit competitions, and CrossFit has become a huge part of my life. I am now a full-time personal trainer and fitness instructor. I love that I get […]
Tone lost 130 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Tone lost 130 pounds, going from a size 24 to size 16. After the devastating loss of her daughter she gained a significant amount of weight and carried it for 6 years. Finally, she had enough and decided to change her life with healthy food and exercise. Check out how her […]