Many people go to the gym and pump iron to tone and transform their bodies, but let’s not forget that there is another type of iron that is good for our bodies. Iron, the nutritional kind, has immense benefits, but that doesn’t seem to stop iron deficiency from being a menace, affecting quite a large […]
Eat More Healthy Fiber to Lose Pounds
Fiber is a super important nutrient that primarily affects digestive health. Unfortunately, the average American’s diet is lacking in fiber. The typical woman in this country only consuming around 15 grams when she should be consuming at least 30 grams. That’s the average. Many people are eating far less. Aside from general health, there is […]
6 Top Vegetarian Sources of Protein
Protein is an incredibly important aspect of a healthy diet. Many people get their daily protein needs met with meat but for vegetarians and vegans it can be difficult to get enough if you don’t realize that you can get enough protein from a variety of plant-based sources. Protein is the nutrient responsible for many body […]