Transformation of the Day: Veronica lost 115 pounds. She didn’t truly realize the impact of the weight she carried until she was diagnosed with gallstones. Learning how to use various diet plans to get the results she needed was key to her success. Nature and art therapy was such a significant part of her journey that she […]
how to lose weight
Shamika lost 83 pounds
Update Aug 2018: Shamika lost 22 more pounds for a total of 105 pounds gone. We asked her how she has continued to get results. How have you maintained your success and continued to lose weight? I’m still eating right, working out and drinking plenty of water every day to maintain my weight loss. As far as […]
Tammy lost 35 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Tammy lost 35 pounds. A family history of illness, her cousin experiencing a stroke and the loss of her grandfather to heart disease served as major motivation for this mom. She found a plan that focuses on healthy meal prep and that allowed her to workout at home. Check out how released […]
Tiffany lost 105 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Tiffany lost 105 pounds. Fads, trends and yo-yo dieting never worked for her. Facing diabetes, high blood pressue and a rocky relationship, she found the motivation to change her life. Check out her journey. Starting weight: 276 pounds Current weight: 171 pounds Goal weight: 150 pounds Height: 5’5″ New Instagram: @transformationtiffany I’m […]
Natasha lost 22 pounds
Update January 2018: Natasha has kept the weight off and lost 2 more dress sizes since we featured her story in June. We asked her to share about how she did it. Current Weight: 161.0 pounds Weight Lost: 23.2 lbs Starting Dress Size: 12 Current Dress Size: 4 How have you continued to make progress? During […]
Chawa lost over 100 pounds
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sebina (@chawa_setimela) on Jul 30, 2018 at 1:23am PDT Tranformation of the Day: Chawa lost over 100 pounds. Our sister from Botswana wrote in to share her success. At 19 years old, she was suffering with asthma, high blood pressure and pre-diabetes. Portion control and […]
Brakia lost 90 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Brakia lost 90 pounds. At the age of 16, she had been picked on and treated so badly that she was almost on the verge of suicide. With strength, dedication and healthy habits, she transformed her body and her mindset over the course of 5+ years. Check out her awesome story. What was […]
Dominique lost 47 pounds
Update: Dominique has lost 50 pounds. I’m feeling motivated and focused on having a healthy and active week. My 3 goals for the week are: 1) 150 oz of water each day; 2) At least 11000 steps each day; 3) No sweets… What are your goals? #motivationmonday #weightlossjourney #hellaactive #blackwomenlosingweight #fattofit #liftheavy #gymrat #weightloss #beforeandafter […]
Heather lost 32 pounds
Have you ever dreamed of something so many times that it just seemed real? (as if it’s a sign from God himself?) I have, more than 5 times. That dream was about shedding the extra pounds that I allowed to mooch and take over my body for the last 10-12 years. Like many other people, I tried every […]
Counting Calories vs Counting Macros
Let’s discuss two major schools of thought in the diet and fitness world today: one argues that a calorie is a calorie is a calorie, and the other argues that not all calories are created equal. So, who is right? Should you count calories or should you count macros/flexible dieting. The answer is a little bit […]