Transformation of the Day: Brittney lost 80 pounds. Over the years, she came to believe that weight loss wasn’t unachievable. In 2019, this mother of two decided to go from a couch potato to someone who truly enjoys working out. She reduced her intake of high-calorie foods and exercised 5 to 6 days a week.
how to lose weight
Erika lost 90 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Erika lost 44 pounds. Uncontolled asthma, aches and pains led her to pursue a true lifestyle change. She transformed her eating habits and made exercise a priority.
Whitaker lost 135 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Whitaker lost 135 pounds. At 25 years old, she was unhappy with what she saw in the mirror, and she was dealing with PCOS. In 2018, she got the gastric sleeve, but she says that surgery only took her so far. Eating healthy food and working with a personal trainer allowed her to transform even more.
Char lost 96 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Char lost 96 pounds and fell in love with fitness. After her mother passed away from health issues that run in her family, she was determined to break that pattern of illness. For the past two years, she has used healthy food and consistent workouts to transform her health and body.
April lost 33 pounds
April lost 33 pounds by making better food choices and working out. She turned 40 during the pandemic. Hitting that milestone helped to shift her mindset about health, fitness, and her relationship with food.
Tiffany lost 37 pounds
Tiffany lost 37 pounds. During the peak of the pandemic, she decided she was tired of feeling bad, ordering DoorDash, and not being in control. She took action by cooking more meals and working out at home or at a local park.
Mary lost 50 pounds
Mary lost 11 more pounds for a total of 61 pounds gone. We’ve been following her journey since 2016. She joined an online program for accountability and guidance and got great results. We asked her to share how she has maintained her success and what has allowed her to stay on track.
Tatyana lost 117 pounds
Update Sept 2020: Tatyana wrote in to share that she lost 47 more pounds since we featured her back in 2017. She’s lost a total of 117 pounds and had skin removal surgery in July. Check out her update. I want to update BWLW on the newest change in my weight loss journey. I got […]
Tanisha lost over 100 pounds
Updated Sept 2020: Shout out to Tanisha. She lost 100 pounds and has kept the weight off for six years. Today, she’s down 101 pounds. We asked her to share how she has maintained her results by adopting healthy eating habits and working out.
Harriet lost 38 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Harriet lost 38 pounds. She is a mother of three and a Registered Nurse from London. She has been on the front line during the pandemic, and we applaud her for her service. Part of her motivation for releasing the weight was how she saw the virus impacting people of color and overweight people.