Weight Loss Story of the Day: Courtney lost 65 pounds. After going through a divorce and a toxic relationship, she was able to reclaim her life and losing weight was a part of that victory. She wrote in to tell us how she changed her life and lost the weight: “Hi, My name is Courtney. About […]
how to lose weight
Tempest lost 75 pounds
Update May 2015: Tempest wrote in to let us know that she’s lost 5 more pounds and is still going strong – “Two years ago I had a baby and I knew I didn’t want to drag alone the “baby fat” that came alone with giving birth, the moment I had my son I started […]
Tia lost 107 pounds
Update Jan 2017: Three years later, Tia wrote in to share an update on losing 107 pounds. She has had some set backs, but she continues to stay focused and practice healthy habits. Despite having minor set backs, I have still managed to keep my weight under 200 pounds. I’m determined to get back to where […]
The Basics of Weight Loss
Certain things never change and how to effectively lose weight and keep it off is one of those areas of life. Here are the basics of weight loss that can work for almost anyone*. Eat Real Food If you can do nothing else but eat real food, you are more likely to begin to lose […]
Valerie lost 57 pounds
Today’s weight loss success story of the day: Instagram diva and proud mom Valerie (aka @fabchickgetsfit) wrote in to share with us how she lost 57 pounds. She sought out a weight loss plan that worked for her and began her journey to her wellness goals. Here is what she had to say: What was your motivation? “Christmas […]
Catrice lost over 120 pounds
Today’s weight loss success story: Catrice lost over 120 pounds and now she helps other to reach their fitness and weight loss goals. Here is what she shared with us about her weight loss story: “Catrice’s weight battle began at the early part of life and continued until her teenage years. Food was and has always […]
Rikki lost 138 pounds
Let’s show some love to Rikki. She lost 138 pounds (115 of the pounds over the course of a year). Here is what she shared with us: “I went to the doctor about 2 years ago and he called me the word “obese”. That word made me sick. I tipped the scale at 377 pounds. […]
Pros and Cons of The Fast Diet
One of the newest diet trends is the Fast Diet, as described by Dr. Michael Mosley and Mimi Spencer in their book, The Fast Diet: Lose weight, stay healthy and live longer with the secret of intermittent fasting (Atria Books, February 2013); is gaining a lot of notice for its promises, criticisms and anecdotal evidence […]
Weight Loss on a Budget Tip #12: Plan Your Leftovers
Today’s Weight Loss on a Budget Tip will help you save money on your meals, especially when eating out in restaurants. Tip #12: Plan Your Leftovers! There are many reasons why leftovers are awesome when you are on a budget: Eating leftovers means that you are not purchasing or preparing new food for each meal. […]
What is Gastric Sleeve Weight Loss Surgery?
With gastric sleeve weight loss surgery, the stomach is reshaped to create a narrow, tube-like “sleeve,” rather than its original gourd-like shape. This reshaping helps to reduce the size of the stomach and allows you to feel fuller faster. It also changes the amount of food that it is possible for you to eat at […]