Spare tire, love handles, muffin top, pot belly- these are just a few of the funny names given to abdominal fat. Abdominal fat isn’t a laughing matter, however. Being overweight and having too much fat is of course not good for your health but abdominal fat can severely affect your health. (more on that topic) The […]
how to lose weight
Joi lost 21 pounds
Weight Loss Story: Joi lost 21 pounds. After hearing that she was very much at risk for type 2 diabetes, this petite lady embraced pescatarian eating, started working out regularly and found inspiration online. She has been on her journey since the 4th of July and is celebrating her success. I was able to lose […]
Natalee lost 186 pounds
Update – Congratulations to Natalee! She is featured in the 2016 edition of People Magazine’s Half Their Size issue. She is the 6th BWLW Sista to be featured and we are so excited for her. Make sure that you pick up the issue! Oct 2015 – Transformation of the Day: Natalee lost 177 pounds. At barely […]
Destiny lost 65 pounds
Weight Loss Story: Destiny lost 65 pounds. After a wake up call from her doctor, she was very motivated to avoid diabetes and potentially having to take insulin shots. She wrote to us to share her journey and let us know what actions she took to release the pounds. The moment that I decided to […]
Safari lost 67 pounds
Transformation Story of the Day: Safari lost 67 pounds and went from a size 22 to a size 10. This wife and mother of 4 is on a fitness journey that has changed her life. She’s an avid runner, marathoner, triathlete who shares her journey with the world online with her brand, FitMomma. Check out what she shared with […]
Michelle lost 126 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Michelle lost 126 pounds. This proud mom of 4 experienced weight gain over the years and battled with emotional eating. She found success with Weight Watchers and by working out regularly at a pace that worked for her. Now, she is a fitness instructor and works for Weight Watchers. Check out her awesome […]
Anisha lost 96 pounds
Weight Loss Transformation of the Day: Anisha lost 96 pounds. This amazing lady was determined to live her dreams of being a member of the US Army. Having been overweight all of her life, she was not sure that she could meet the physical requirements. She changed her mindset, started running, taught herself about nutrition […]
Sade lost 53 pounds
Weight Loss Story: Sade lost 53 pounds. After the birth of her 5th child, this mom experienced significant weight gain. With her family as her motivation, changing her life was a priority. She changed her daily eating habits and worked out 5 days a week to reach her goals. Here is what she shared with us… […]
Stephanie lost 67 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Stephanie lost 67 pounds and her story should give hope to women who are still dealing with lingering baby weight. This Alpha Kappa Alpha soror gained 60 lbs during her pregnancy and found out that she needed high blood pressure meds after the baby was born. Now, 16 months postpartum, she’s dropped […]
Erica lost 75 pounds
Weight Loss Story: Erica lost 75 pounds and now she’s sharing her story to inspire others. Realizing that she’d gotten comfortable and complacent about her weight, she took action and the results are awesome! Here is what she shared with us… The struggle was real and I was tired of being fat… It wasn’t enough to just […]