#transformationtuesday Change is possible only when your actions match your desire. * * * * * * * * ______________________________________________ #goalchaser #Goalcrusher #icametowin #inspiration #blackfitness #blackgirlmagic #watchmework #progress #progressnotperfection #thenandnow #beforeandafterweightloss #beforeandduring #curvyfit #curvychic #thickfitchick #womenwithcurves #girlswholiftheavy #strongwomen #strongnotskinny #getfit #bodyunderconstruction #fitnessjunkie #fightingobesity #fatasstobadass #fattofit #fattofab #naturalweightloss #alphafemale #dontgiveup A post shared by Hiya! 👋 […]
how to lose weight
Marie lost 23 pounds
Update Dec 2016 – Marie has lost over 60 pounds. She wrote in to share how she’s maintained her success and what she’s learned during her weight release journey. It’s not just about the weight I’ve lost. It’s about the confidence I’ve gained! Looking in the mirror and taking selfies is something I absolutely dreaded in the past. […]
Tanika lost 65 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Tanika lost 65 pounds. This mom of 2 suffered major emotional and financial setbacks that led to comfort eating and weight gain. When her doctor warned the her asthma was worsening due to extra weight, this Public Health Nurse reflected on her family history of other illnesses for which weight is risk […]
Ada lost 89 pounds
Weight Loss Transformation: Ada lost 89 pounds. She recently celebrated her one year weight loss anniversary. Healthy eating, eating smaller portions and working our regularly have helped her to release the weight. She also had the the support of family, friends and her faith to carry her through. Here is what she shared with us… […]
Jerry lost 23 pounds
Weight Loss Story: Jerry lost 23 pounds. At 25 years old, this petite soror of Zeta Phi Beta wanted relief from chest pains, headaches and asthma, so she started making small changes to her lifestyle. Check out what she shared with us about her journey and how she’s taking action. I realized that living was more […]
Nzingha lost 69 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Nzingha lost 69 pounds. Her wakeup call came when she was diagnosed as borderline diabetic. After losing her father to diabetes, she did not want to face the same health issues. She transformed her life with healthy eating and exercise. Now, she’s a vegan. Check out what she shared with us… […]
Alicia lost 131 pounds
Great Transformation: Alicia lost 131 pounds. After a serious injury, she was told that for proper healing she needed to lose weight. She chose weight loss surgery, after which she focused on working with a trainer and learning how to live a much healthier lifestyle. Now her life is full of “new experiences, flights without […]
Cherlette lost 113 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Cherlette lost 113 pounds. She had weight loss surgery 2 years ago due to a number of serious medical issues, but it was not a quick fix. She had to learn portion control, exercise regularly and stay focused on why she lost the weight in the first place. Check out what she […]
Karen lost 29 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Karen lost 29 pounds. This mom of 2 is a busy entrepreneur, but she has made time for healthy eating and fitness. After the birth of her children and passing of her father and brother, food became a source of comfort. The weight gain began and depression entered the picture. She […]
Latasha lost 56 pounds
Weight Loss Journey: Latasha lost 56 pounds. This proud mom wanted to be an example to her children and her whole family. She cleaned up her eating habits, worked out and her hard work shows. Check out what she shared with us about her journey… My name is Latasha B. I started my journey back […]